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无法运行 Eclipse Luna

[英]Can't run Eclipse Luna

I am new to Java world and I trying to setup Eclipse Luna so i can start using it.我是 Java 世界的新手,我尝试设置 Eclipse Luna 以便我可以开始使用它。 I have installed JDK 11.0.12 and Eclipse Luna but when I run Eclipse, from the workspace log file i can see the error:我已经安装了 JDK 11.0.12 和 Eclipse Luna,但是当我运行 Eclipse 时,我可以从工作区日志文件中看到错误:

Caused by: java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: org.w3c.dom.stylesheets.StyleSheet cannot be found 
 by org.eclipse.e4.ui.css.core_0.10.100.v20140424-2042

I have made some google research but without success.我做了一些谷歌研究,但没有成功。 Any suggestion?有什么建议吗?

Luna is ages old.露娜年纪大了。 You are attempting to run Luna on JDK 11 , which is not compatible:您正在尝试在不兼容的 JDK 11上运行 Luna:

You can downgrade your JDK and run Luna on that, if using Luna is unavoidable.如果不可避免地使用 Luna,您可以降级 JDK 并在其上运行 Luna。

I am not sure how you did some research and did not find this information, if you copypaste your error message into Google, then the linked thread is literally the first result.我不确定您是如何进行一些研究并没有找到这些信息的,如果您将错误消息复制粘贴到 Google 中,那么链接的线程实际上就是第一个结果。

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