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在 Qt6 中移植 QRegExp::exactMatch()

[英]Port QRegExp::exactMatch() in Qt6

I'm porting a Qt5 application to Qt6.我正在将 Qt5 应用程序移植到 Qt6。 I want to move away from Qt5CoreCompat module of Qt6 as soon as possible.我想尽快离开 Qt6 的 Qt5CoreCompat 模块。 My problem is with QRegExp class which should be replaced with QRegularExpression class. Most patches are relatively trivial but how can I port QRegExp::exactMatch() in Qt6.我的问题是QRegExp class,应该用QRegularExpression class 替换。大多数补丁相对微不足道,但我如何在 Qt6 中移植QRegExp::exactMatch() Here is some code from the application:这是应用程序中的一些代码:

QRegExp version(QLatin1String("(.+)_v(\\d+)"));
if (version.exactMatch(completeBaseName/*QString*/))
        // some code

I don't see a way to do this in QRegularExpressionMatch class. I guess solution might be something like this:我没有在QRegularExpressionMatch class 中看到执行此操作的方法。我想解决方案可能是这样的:

QRegularExpression version(QLatin1String("(.+)_v(\\d+)"));
QRegularExpressionMatch match = version.match(completeBaseName);
if (match.hasMatch())
        // Find exact match or not

I want to have the same behavior as before.我想要和以前一样的行为。

The documentation suggests using the anchoredPattern helper function to do the anchoring from the regular expression itself:该文档建议使用anchoredPattern 帮助程序anchoredPattern从正则表达式本身进行锚定:

QRegularExpression version(QRegularExpression::anchoredPattern(QLatin1String("(.+)_v(\\d+)")));

migrate QRegExp::exactMatch to qt6 QRegularExpression::matchQRegExp::exactMatch迁移到 qt6 QRegularExpression::match

find . -name '*.cpp' |
xargs grep -l '\.exactMatch(' |
xargs sed -i -E 's/(.*?)\.exactMatch\((.*?)\)/\1.match(\2).hasMatch()/'


-    return someRegex.exactMatch(str);
+    return someRegex.match(str).hasMatch();

this assumes the regex is "anchored" with ^...$这假设正则表达式是用^...$ “锚定”的

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