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条件表达式在 aws_security_group 资源出口块 terraform 中不起作用

[英]Conditional Expression not working in aws_security_group resource egress block terraform

for resource aws_security_group , i want to add egress block to run only if ingress rules are created.对于资源 aws_security_group ,我想添加出口块以仅在创建入口规则时运行。 Below i have applied condition for the egress block using count then tried with for_each , but I am getting error : An argument named "count" or "for_each" is not expected here respectively.下面我使用 count 为 egress 块应用了条件,然后尝试使用 for_each ,但我收到错误:这里分别不需要名为“count”或“for_each”的参数。 Can someone please help how can i achieve this有人可以帮助我如何实现这一目标


  egress {
    #for_each             = (length(split(",", var.ingress_ports_udp)) != 0 && length(split(",", var.ingress_ports_udp)) != 0) ? ["1"] : []
    from_port         = 0
    to_port           = 0
    protocol          = "-1"
    cidr_blocks       = [""]

You're looking for the dynamic block .您正在寻找动态块 It would look something like this:它看起来像这样:

resource "aws_security_group" "mygroup" {
  name        = "mygroup"
  vpc_id      = aws_vpc.main.id

  dynamic "egress" {
    for_each = (condition) ? [1] : []
    content {
      from_port         = 0
      to_port           = 0
      protocol          = "-1"
      cidr_blocks       = [""]

Your condition looks quite odd.你的情况看起来很奇怪。 First off, you're checking exactly the same condition twice ( length(split(",", var.ingress_ports_udp)) != 0 appears to be duplicated), and second, split will never return a list of length 0 anyways (if an empty string is given, it will return a list with one element, which is itself an empty string).首先,您要检查两次完全相同的条件( length(split(",", var.ingress_ports_udp)) != 0似乎是重复的),其次, split永远不会返回长度为 0 的列表(如果给出一个空字符串,它将返回一个包含一个元素的列表,它本身就是一个空字符串)。 You can see this on the split documentation page , third example:您可以在拆分文档页面上看到这一点,第三个示例:

> split(",", "")

So your condition will never be false , no matter what the value of var.ingress_ports_udp is.所以你的条件永远不会是false ,无论var.ingress_ports_udp的值是什么。 You can use compact(split(",", var.ingress_ports_udp)) to deal with this ( compact will remove any list elements that are empty strings).您可以使用compact(split(",", var.ingress_ports_udp))来处理这个问题( compact将删除任何为空字符串的列表元素)。

I'd recommend passing var.ingress_ports_udp in as a list of numbers, instead of as a string that you split within the module.我建议将var.ingress_ports_udp作为数字列表传入,而不是作为在模块中拆分的字符串。 Then you can simply use length(var.ingress_ports_udp) > 0 ? [1] : []然后你可以简单地使用length(var.ingress_ports_udp) > 0 ? [1] : [] length(var.ingress_ports_udp) > 0 ? [1] : [] . length(var.ingress_ports_udp) > 0 ? [1] : []

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