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OpenTok 归档到 Microsoft OneDrive

[英]OpenTok Archiving to Microsoft OneDrive

I know it's possible to link archiving to upload to Amazon S3 or Microsoft Azure after a call - is it possible to link it to Microsoft Teams or OneDrive?我知道可以在通话后链接存档以上传到 Amazon S3 或 Microsoft Azure - 是否可以将其链接到 Microsoft Teams 或 OneDrive? I'm unfamiliar with S3 storage solutions and so I've been a bit confused what is or isn't possible (as it mentions any S3-compatible storage is possible).我不熟悉 S3 存储解决方案,所以我有点困惑什么是可能的,什么是不可能的(因为它提到任何与 S3 兼容的存储都是可能的)。 If so, how would I go about it?如果是这样,我将如何处理?

No, Microsoft OneDrive is not supported as an OpenTok (Vonage Video API) archive destination.不,不支持将 Microsoft OneDrive 作为 OpenTok (Vonage Video API) 存档目标。 Microsoft Azure Storage, Amazon S3, Google Cloud Storage, and Cloudian are all supported ( see here ). Microsoft Azure Storage、Amazon S3、Google Cloud Storage 和 Cloudian 均受支持(请参阅此处)。

It may be possible to download files from one of these storage platforms into your OneDrive.可以将文件从这些存储平台之一下载到 OneDrive。 In general, OneDrive is a personal consumer-oriented platform rather than an enterprise-level secure storage platform with appropriate APIs and encrypted connections that OpenTok uses (listed above).一般而言,OneDrive 是一个面向个人消费者的平台,而不是具有 OpenTok 使用的适当 API 和加密连接的企业级安全存储平台(如上所列)。 I believe OneDrive as a consumer service may use Azure Storage underneath, so look to Microsoft for whether these can be easily connected.我相信作为消费者服务的 OneDrive 可能会在底层使用 Azure 存储,所以看看微软是否可以轻松连接这些。

Most of the storage platforms that are supported offer reasonable rates and get-started offers that may may it easy to try them out.大多数受支持的存储平台都提供合理的费率和入门优惠,可能很容易试用。

Lawrence, Vonage劳伦斯,沃尼奇

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