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使用 Reg_exp 从电子邮件预言机中提取名字和姓氏

[英]Extracting First_name & Last_name from email oracle using Reg_exp

How to extract First_name & last_name from email using oracle REGEXP_SUBSTR,如何使用 oracle REGEXP_SUBSTR 从电子邮件中提取名字和姓氏,

Email: susan.ryan@email.com电子邮件: susan.ryan@email.com

Expected output:预期输出:

First_name Last_name
susan苏珊 ryan瑞安
  substr('susan.ryan@email.com',1,(INSTR('susan.ryan@email.com','.')-1)) first_name,
  substr('susan.ryan@email.com',(INSTR('susan.ryan@email.com','.')+1),(INSTR('susan.ryan@email.com','@'))) last_name
from dual;

But i'm getting result as但我得到的结果是

first_name Last_name
susan苏珊 ryan@email.瑞安@电子邮件。

You have你有

substr(email, instr(email, '.') + 1, instr(email, '@')) as last_name

But the second parameter is not the end position, but the requested length, so you must subtract the position of the dot:但是第二个参数不是结束位置,而是请求的长度,所以必须减去点的位置:

substr(email, instr(email, '.') + 1, instr(email, '@') - instr(email, '.') - 1) as last_name

That's easier with REGEXP_SUBSTR by the way:顺便说一下,使用REGEXP_SUBSTR更容易:

regexp_substr(email, '[[:alpha:]]+', 1, 1) as first_name,
regexp_substr(email, '[[:alpha:]]+', 1, 2) as last_name

We are looking for substrings that only consist of letters in the e-mail here.我们在这里寻找仅由电子邮件中的字母组成的子字符串。 For first_name we are taking the first such string, for last_name the second one.对于 first_name 我们取第一个这样的字符串,对于 last_name 取第二个。 This relies of course on all e-mails in your table equally consisting of firstname.lastname@domain.这当然依赖于您表中的所有电子邮件均由 firstname.lastname@domain 组成。

Here is the docs on REGEXP_SUBSTR : https://docs.oracle.com/en/database/oracle/oracle-database/19/sqlrf/REGEXP_SUBSTR.html#GUID-2903904D-455F-4839-A8B2-1731EF4BD099这是REGEXP_SUBSTR上的文档: https : REGEXP_SUBSTR

Here are some examples of how to do this.以下是有关如何执行此操作的一些示例。 First remove the domain using SUBSTR (column "domain") or REGEXP (column "domain_regexp"), then split the portion before the domain (column "no_domain") using REGEXP_SUBSTR :首先使用SUBSTR (列“域”)或REGEXP (列“domain_regexp”)删除域,然后使用REGEXP_SUBSTR拆分域(列“no_domain”)之前的部分:

WITH samples AS
  SELECT '-susan.ryan@email.com' as str FROM DUAL UNION
  SELECT 'roger@email.com' as str FROM DUAL
str as email,
REGEXP_SUBSTR(str,'@.+$') AS domain_regexp,
SUBSTR(str, INSTR(str,'@')) as domain,
SUBSTR(str, 1, INSTR(str,'@') - 1) as no_domain,
REGEXP_SUBSTR(SUBSTR(str, 1, INSTR(str,'@') - 1),'[^.]+',1,1) AS first_name,
REGEXP_SUBSTR(SUBSTR(str, 1, INSTR(str,'@') - 1),'[^.]+',1,2) AS last_name
from samples;

EMAIL                 DOMAIN_REGEXP         DOMAIN                NO_DOMAIN             FIRST_NAME            LAST_NAME            
--------------------- --------------------- --------------------- --------------------- --------------------- ---------------------
-susan.ryan@email.com @email.com            @email.com            -susan.ryan           -susan                ryan                 
roger@email.com       @email.com            @email.com            roger                 roger                                      


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