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MS Teams 在线会议 - email 通知

[英]MS Teams Online meetings - email notifications

We are trying to use MS Graph API 1.0 (endpoint https://graph.microsoft.com/v1.0/me/onlineMeetings ) to create online meetings for our customers.我们正在尝试使用 MS Graph API 1.0(端点https://graph.microsoft.com/v1.0/me/onlineMeetings )为我们的客户创建在线会议。 Everything works fine and the meeting is created but participants (and organizer too) never received any email notifications about upcoming meetings.一切正常,会议已创建,但参与者(以及组织者)从未收到任何关于即将召开的会议的 email 通知。 Is there any configuration we need to enable for this?我们需要为此启用任何配置吗?


When you create any onlinemeetings it doesn't show up in user calendars, as this is by-design.当您创建任何在线会议时,它不会显示在用户日历中,因为这是设计使然。 I am not aware of any other settings/parameters available and its documentation doesnt talk about that as well.我不知道有任何其他可用的设置/参数,它的文档也没有谈到这一点。

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