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Python arrow 获取日期范围之间的年份列表

[英]Python arrow get list of years between date range

I have this function:我有这个 function:

def function(start_date_arrow=None,end_date_arrow=None, date_concept=None):
    list=[getattr(date, date_concept) for date in arrow.Arrow.range(date_concept, start_date_arrow, end_date_arrow)]

This function works well when iterating over date_concept='month' and date_concept='day' .这个 function 在迭代date_concept='month'date_concept='day'时效果很好。 On the other hand, date_concept='year' only returns a list of one item.另一方面, date_concept='year'只返回一个项目的列表。

For example:例如:

start_date_arrow= arrow.get('2021-11-05')
end_date_arrow= arrow.get('2022-02-05')

year_list=function(start_date_arrow=start_date_arrow,end_date_arrow=end_date_arrow, date_concept='year')
year_list is [2021]   

month_list=function(start_date_arrow=start_date_arrow,end_date_arrow=end_date_arrow, date_concept='month')
month_list is [11, 12, 1, 2]

day_list=function(start_date_arrow=start_date_arrow,end_date_arrow=end_date_arrow, date_concept='day')
day_list is [5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30]

Second and third call are okei, but first one should return [2021,2022] instead of [2021].第二次和第三次调用是 okei,但第一次应该返回 [2021,2022] 而不是 [2021]。

Any idea of what is happening in the year call?知道年会中发生了什么吗?

Found the issue.发现了问题。 If you use:如果您使用:

start_date_arrow= arrow.get('2021-11-05')
end_date_arrow= arrow.get('2022-02-05')

Year difference between both is less than 1, so it only returns the first one, so to return 2022 in the list end_date_arrow should be end_date_arrow= arrow.get('2022-11-05')两者之间的年份差异小于 1,因此它只返回第一个,因此要在列表end_date_arrow中返回 2022 应该是end_date_arrow= arrow.get('2022-11-05')

So I forced with an if statement the end date to be bigger just by one year, to force the return of both years.所以我用if语句强制结束日期只增加一年,以强制返回这两年。

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