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“Environment.Is64BitProcess”是否等于“IntPtr.Size == 8”?

[英]Does "Environment.Is64BitProcess" equal to "IntPtr.Size == 8"?

Since "IntPtr.Size" checks the size of int's pointer based on the current process, is it the same as "Environment.Is64BitProcess"?由于“IntPtr.Size”是根据当前进程检查int指针的大小,是不是和“Environment.Is64BitProcess”一样?

If yes, why can I only see "return true/false" (if you use dnSpy to refactor the code from "System")?如果是,为什么我只能看到“返回真/假”(如果您使用 dnSpy 从“系统”重构代码)?


If not, any differences between them?如果不是,它们之间有什么区别吗? Where to use what?在哪里使用什么?

In modern runtimes (net core) Is64BitProcess is defined through IntPtr.Size == 8 .在现代运行时(网络核心) Is64BitProcess是通过IntPtr.Size == 8定义的。 See source

You see false because you're inspecting 32-bit mscorlib.您看到false是因为您正在检查 32 位 mscorlib。 64-bit is located in C:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework64\v4.0.30319 and always returns true 64 位位于C:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework64\v4.0.30319并始终返回true

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