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Typescript - AWS CDK 启用 CORS

[英]Typescript - AWS CDK Enable CORS

Part of my cdk project is a Websocket that gets output of a StepFunction which is triggered by a POST Request.我的 cdk 项目的一部分是 Websocket,它获取由POST请求触发的 StepFunction 的 output。 This whole workflow works in the aws console just as postman.整个工作流程在 aws 控制台中运行,就像 postman 一样。

But if I try it over the frontend I receive a CORS error:但是如果我在前端尝试它,我会收到 CORS 错误:

has been blocked by CORS policy: No 'Access-Control-Allow-Origin' header is present on the requested resource.

I have set up my CORS options like this:我已经像这样设置了我的 CORS 选项:

const api = new apigw.RestApi(this, `${props.devName}BookingApi`, { 
            // set up CORS            
            defaultCorsPreflightOptions: {
                allowHeaders: [
                  statusCode: 200,
                  allowMethods: ['OPTIONS', 'GET', 'POST', 'DELETE'],
                  allowCredentials: true,
                  allowOrigins: Cors.ALL_ORIGINS           
            deploy: true

If I manually enable CORS in the AWS console I do not receive a CORS error from the frontend.如果我在 AWS 控制台中手动启用 CORS,我不会从前端收到 CORS 错误。 The CORS options in the code are the same as the ones I put in manually.代码中的CORS选项和我手动输入的是一样的。 Also strange is, that eventhough I get the CORS error from the frontend, the WebSocket posts the output of the StepFunction.同样奇怪的是,即使我从前端收到 CORS 错误,WebSocket 也会发布 StepFunction 的 output。

I have read this but the solution does not work for me.我读过这篇文章,但该解决方案对我不起作用。

edit1: added Errormessage edit1:添加了错误信息

I have found the solution!我找到了解决方案!

The setup was fine like this.这样的设置很好。 I was missing this part in the apigw.AWSIntegration options:我在apigw.AWSIntegration选项中遗漏了这一部分:

integrationResponses: [
                      responseParameters: {
                        'method.response.header.Access-Control-Allow-Origin': "'*'",
                      responseTemplates: {
                        'application/json': JSON.stringify({
                          message: '$util.parseJson($input.body)',
                          state: 'ok',
                      statusCode: '200',

and also并且

methodResponses: [{ 
            statusCode: '200',
            // important for CORS
            responseParameters: {
                'method.response.header.Content-Type': true,
                'method.response.header.Access-Control-Allow-Origin': true,
                'method.response.header.Access-Control-Allow-Credentials': true

in .addMethod.addMethod

edit1: This link helped me to find the solution edit1:此链接帮助我找到了解决方案

edit2: updated body of methodResponses : edit2:更新了methodResponses的主体:

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