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Typescript 基于同级字符串字段的 Object 键的动态类型

[英]Typescript Dynamic type for Object key based on sibling string field

i am trying to create a dynamic type based on parts of a sibling 'string type:我正在尝试基于兄弟字符串类型的部分创建动态类型:


function getDynamicRoutes(href: string) {
  return (
      .map(s => s.replace(':', ''))
      .reduce((a, c) => ({ ...a, [c]: true }), {})

interface Props {
  // foo/:bar/helloworld/:bat
  href: string;
  // { bar: 'string', bat: 'string' }
  substitutes: {
    [k: keyof getDynamicRoutes(Props['href'])]: string;

expected behaviour When i provide the above href i should get auto-typing for the substitutes Object based on the colon-prepended routes in the href.预期行为 当我提供上述href时,我应该根据 href 中的冒号前缀路由自动输入替代品 Object。

So: 'foo/:bar/helloworld/:bat' Will generate a type interface for substitutes as: { bar: 'string', bat: 'string' }所以: 'foo/:bar/helloworld/:bat'将为substitutes生成一个类型接口: { bar: 'string', bat: 'string' }

Is this possible?这可能吗?

You are not allowed to call getDynamicRoutes inside interface definition.不允许在接口定义内调用getDynamicRoutes Furthermore, it is either disallowed to pass Props['href'] type alias as a function argument.此外,不允许将 Props['href'] 类型别名作为 function 参数传递。 In general you can't use types where values are expected.通常,您不能在需要值的地方使用类型。 If you want to map query string to interface you can do this:如果你想 map 查询字符串接口你可以这样做:

const handle = <Query extends string>(str: Query): ToType<Query> => {
    // implementation is up to You :)
    return null as any

type ToType<T extends string, Cache extends Record<string, string> = {}> =
    T extends `${string}/:${infer Prop}/${infer Rest}`
    ? ToType<Rest, Cache & Record<Prop, string>>
    : T extends `${string}/:${infer Last}`
    ? Cache & Record<Last, string>
    : never

// Record<"bar", string> & Record<"bat", string>
const result = handle('foo/:bar/helloworld/:bat')

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