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如何在 bot.on('ready', () => { }) 函数内的 discord.js 中获取频道 ID

[英]How can I get a channel id in discord.js inside of the bot.on('ready', () => { }) function

I want to get a the id of a specific channel when doing the bot.on('ready', () => { }) function.我想在执行bot.on('ready', () => { })函数时获取特定频道的 ID。 I want to do this to send a message repeated times in the specific channel.我想这样做是为了在特定频道中重复发送一条消息。 This is the code I have now:这是我现在的代码:

bot.on('ready', () => {
   console.log(`${bot.user.tag} successfully logged in!`)
   bot.user.setActivity('%help', ({type: "LISTENING"}))
   function message() {
      const channel = bot.channel.cache.find(ch => ch.id === 'id-of-channel');
       if (!channel) return;
      channel.send('message I am sending');

   setInterval(message, 1000);

The error that I am getting is:我得到的错误是:

Cannot read property 'cache' of undefined

Any help would be appreciated, thx!任何帮助将不胜感激,谢谢!

const channel = bot.channels.cache.find(ch => ch.id === 'channelid'); or you can try: const channel = bot.channels.guild.cache.find(ch => ch.id === 'channelid') I hope that will help you.或者您可以尝试: const channel = bot.channels.guild.cache.find(ch => ch.id === 'channelid')希望对您有所帮助。 I'm not 100% sure but its looking that was the problem here.我不是 100% 确定,但它看起来就是这里的问题。 You can't forget about the s in channels instead of channel when you get id of it using find() function当你使用 find() 函数获取它的 id 时,你不能忘记 channel 中的 s 而不是 channel

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