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如何在 VS Code 中启用新的笔记本编辑器

[英]How to enable new notebook editor in VS Code

Looking at a jupyter notebook in VS Code at the moment I see this banner at the top of the screen.在 VS Code 中查看 jupyter notebook 时,我在屏幕顶部看到了这个横幅。 bannerscreenshot It reads "This editor is deprecated and we'll remove it after 1.59 of VS Code. Learn more about our new notebook editor. " The link explains that the new notebook editor feature has been disabled and made opt-in rather than forcing on all users. bannerscreenshot它显示“此编辑器已弃用,我们将在 VS Code 1.59 后将其删除。了解有关我们新笔记本编辑器的更多信息。 ”该链接解释说新笔记本编辑器功能已被禁用并选择加入而不是强制启用全部用户。 However no instructions are given on how to opt-in and use the new editor.但是,没有关于如何选择加入和使用新编辑器的说明。 I'd like to start using the new notebook editor, how to I switch it on?我想开始使用新的笔记本编辑器,如何打开它?

I was able to switch to the new editor by right clicking on an .ipynb file and selecting "Open With..." .我可以通过右键单击.ipynb文件并选择“打开方式...”来切换到新编辑器。

You should then be able select the option " Configure default editor for '*.ipynb'..." from the drop down selection in command palette.然后,您应该能够 select 从命令面板的下拉选项中选择“为'*.ipynb'配置默认编辑器...”选项。

If you right click the notebook in the explorer panel like @Ben B says, you should have an option in the menu at the bottom that says "Open in Notebook Editor"如果你像@Ben B 说的那样在资源管理器面板中右键单击笔记本,你应该在底部的菜单中有一个选项,上面写着“在笔记本编辑器中打开”

Well this problem has been resolved in latest version of VS Code.那么这个问题已经在最新版本的 VS Code 中得到解决。 It just upgraded me automatically.它只是自动升级了我。 I'm now on Version: 1.60.1 @SO folks, what is the protocol here?我现在使用版本:1.60.1 @SO 伙计们,这里的协议是什么? I'd like to give @Ben some credit for helping here but really the answer here is now "upgrade to latest version VS Code"我想感谢@Ben 在这里提供的帮助,但实际上这里的答案现在是“升级到最新版本的 VS 代码”

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