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[英]Restrict panResponder from going outside the phone screen

I'm having a problem with panResponder from going outside the phone screen.我在使用 panResponder 时遇到问题,无法走出手机屏幕。 I get this code from https://reactnative.dev/docs/panresponder#example .我从https://reactnative.dev/docs/panresponder#example得到这段代码。 Here are some photos.这是一些照片。


the box is able to drag/go outside the screen, how to avoid this?该框可以拖/移到屏幕外,如何避免这种情况? I appreciate the help.感谢您的帮助。

You can to make use of Animated.diffClamp or extrapolate您可以使用Animated.diffClamp外推

diffClamp logic - diffClamp 逻辑-

const animtion = new Animated.ValueXY(0);  // you need to update this while dragging
const translateX = Animated.diffClamp(animtion.x, 0, screenWidth - boxWidth);
const translateY = Animated.diffClamp(animtion.y, 0, screenHeight - boxHeight);

return(<View style={[styles.box,{transform:[{translateX},{translateY}]}]} />)

extrapolate logic -推断逻辑-

const animtion = new Animated.ValueXY(0);  // you need to update this while dragging
const translateX = animation.x.interpolate({inputRange:[0,screenWidth - boxWidth],outputRange:[0,screenWidth - boxWidth], extrapolate: 'clamp'})
const translateY = animation.y.interpolate({inputRange:[0,screenHeight - boxHeight],outputRange:[0,screenHeight - boxHeight], extrapolate: 'clamp'})

return(<View style={[styles.box,{transform:[{translateX},{translateY}]}]} />)

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