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[英]How to log into container in Azure?

I deploy a docker image inside Azure Container Instance.我在 Azure 容器实例中部署了一个 docker 图像。 The application itself will write some log into the file.应用程序本身会将一些日志写入文件。 Is there some way I can log into the container to view these logs?有什么方法可以登录容器查看这些日志吗?

az container exec --resource-group <group-name> --name <container-group-name> --exec-command "<command>"

https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/container-instances/container-instances-exec https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/container-instances/container-instances-exec

You could also create a context with docker and then use docker commands.您还可以使用 docker 创建上下文,然后使用 docker 命令。

docker context create aci myacicontext
docker context use myacicontext
docker logs <CONTAINER_ID>
docker exec -t <CONTAINER_ID> COMMAND

https://docs.docker.com/cloud/aci-integration/#create-an-aci-context https://docs.docker.com/cloud/aci-integration/#create-an-aci-context

Have found the answer.已经找到答案了。

az container logs  --name your-container-name --resource-group your-resource-group-name


az container exec --name your-container-name --resource-group your-resource-group-name --exec-command "cat /home/yourname/xxx.log"

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