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无法在 magento 2.4.3 中查看类别下的产品

[英]Cant view products under categories in magento 2.4.3

Im trying to upgrade our magento commerce site from 2.4.1 to 2.4.3 in a staging environment - Ive almost got it working but Ive found that when navigating through the category tree at the lowest level no products are being displayed just the message我试图在临时环境中将我们的 magento 商务网站从 2.4.1 升级到 2.4.3 - 我几乎让它工作了,但我发现在最低级别的类别树中导航时,没有显示任何产品,只显示消息

We can't find products matching the selection.我们找不到与选择相匹配的产品。

Ive seen this before and tried all the usual suggestions我以前见过这个并尝试了所有通常的建议

  • reindex重新索引
  • clear cache清除缓存
  • flush cache刷新缓存
  • purge front page cache清除首页缓存

With no luck.没有运气。 Searching for products and viewing results works fine.搜索产品和查看结果工作正常。

Ive also tried solutions posted here我也试过这里发布的解决方案

https://community.magento.com/t5/Magento-2-x-Technical-Issues/products-not-showing-in-category-on-frontend-Magento-2-but/td-p/143481 https://community.magento.com/t5/Magento-2-x-Technical-Issues/products-not-showing-in-category-on-frontend-Magento-2-but/td-p/143481

https://magento.stackexchange.com/questions/135814/products-are-not-showing-in-category-magento-2 https://magento.stackexchange.com/questions/135814/products-are-not-showing-in-category-magento-2

https://digitalstartup.co.uk/t/products-not-showing-in-categories-but-are-there-in-the-database-and-backend/1838/11 https://digitalstartup.co.uk/t/products-not-showing-in-categories-but-are-there-in-the-database-and-backend/1838/11

This has lead me to find that there is an issue editing product attributtes in the admin section, I get a js error on load of the attributtes, the data loads but I cannot save them.这让我发现在管理部分编辑产品属性存在问题,我在加载属性时出现 js 错误,数据加载但我无法保存它们。

Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'show' of undefined
    at switchDefaultValueField ((index):1279)
    at bindAttributeInputType ((index):1120)
    at HTMLDocument.<anonymous> ((index):1389)
    at fire (jquery.min.js:212)
    at Object.add [as done] (jquery.min.js:215)
    at jQuery.fn.init.jQuery.fn.ready (jquery.min.js:223)
    at jQuery.fn.init (jquery.min.js:200)
    at new jQuery.fn.init (jquery-migrate.min.js:27)
    at jQuery (jquery.min.js:16)
    at (index):1388

I have tried setting the attributes to non filterable and none searchable at SQL level but no luck.我曾尝试将属性设置为不可过滤且不可在 SQL 级别搜索,但没有运气。

This works fine in 2.4.1, and the only change is the upgrade这在 2.4.1 中工作正常,唯一的变化是升级

any ideas?有任何想法吗?

试试这些,测试每个,/usr/bin/php74 bin/magento c:f) /usr/bin/php74 bin/magento catalog:images:resize /usr/bin/php74 bin/magento indexer:reset /usr/bin /php74 bin/magento indexer:reindex /usr/bin/php74 bin/magento cache:clean full_page block_html /usr/bin/php74 bin/magento setup:static-content:deploy -f

do you check elasticsearch ?你检查elasticsearch吗?

In my case, when i fix connection with elasticsearch server remotely, i solve this problem.就我而言,当我远程修复与 elasticsearch 服务器的连接时,我解决了这个问题。

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