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分组数据集中的 Bigquery 非空(地理点)

[英]Bigquery non-null(geographypoint) in grouped dataset

I need to pick non-null(geographypoint) from my grouped dataset.我需要从我的分组数据集中选择非空(地理点)。 The max function gives the following error.最大 function 给出以下错误。

MAX is not defined for arguments of type GEOGRAPHY at [65:11] MAX 未在 [65:11] 处为 GEOGRAPHY 类型的 arguments 定义

Consider the sample data:考虑示例数据:

║id                  ║Point                         ║
║1                   ║POINT(-79.3123031 43.6839641) ║       
║1                   ║null                          ║      

I need to pick out the non null value from the grouped data.我需要从分组数据中挑选出非 null 值。 For numeric/string values, we can use max Is there a way to tackle this for Geography data in bigquery?对于数字/字符串值,我们可以使用max有没有办法在 bigquery 中为地理数据解决这个问题?

I need to pick out the non null value from the grouped data我需要从分组数据中挑选出非 null 值

Consider below approach考虑以下方法

select id, any_value(point) point
from data
where not point is null
group by id

MAX is not meaningful for spatial types because they are not simple values. MAX 对于空间类型没有意义,因为它们不是简单的值。 I think you need to use the Geography functions and either我认为您需要使用Geography 函数,或者

  • Extract a simple datatype (using a function like ST_X, or ST_AREA for example), and then you could use a MAX meaningfully to find for example the MAX longitude or the MAX area提取一个简单的数据类型(例如使用 function,例如 ST_X 或 ST_AREA),然后您可以有意义地使用 MAX 来查找例如 MAX 经度或 MAX 区域
  • Use a function like ST_BOUNDARY if you're looking for something like a spatial boundary from multiple GEOGRAPHY values如果您要从多个 GEOGRAPHY 值中寻找空间边界之类的东西,请使用 function 之类的 ST_BOUNDARY


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