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如何在 redux-toolkit 中观察状态变量?

[英]How to watch state variables in redux-toolkit?

When I stop at a breakpoint inside the reducer and try to watch variables inside the state, I can only see Proxy, how can I see the actual contents of my state?当我在reducer里面的断点处停下来尝试观察state里面的变量时,我只能看到Proxy,我怎么才能看到我state的实际内容呢?


Since RTK uses immer internally, the state obtained in the reducer is the draft state of Immer.由于RTK内部使用了immer ,所以在reducer中得到的状态就是Immer的draft状态。 If you want to get the state in the form of a JS plain object, you need to use the current method provided by Immer.如果想以JS纯对象的形式获取状态,需要使用Immer提供的current方法。

This can be very useful for debugging purposes (as those objects won't be Proxy objects and not be logged as such)这对于调试目的非常有用(因为这些对象不会是代理对象并且不会被记录)

See RTK other-exports#current见 RTK其他出口#current

The current function from the immer library, which takes a snapshot of the current state of a draft and finalizes it (but without freezing).来自immer库的current函数,它获取草稿当前状态的快照并完成它(但不会冻结)。 Current is a great utility to print the current state during debugging, and the output of current can also be safely leaked outside the producer. Current 是在调试过程中打印当前状态的一个很好的工具,并且current的输出也可以安全地泄漏到生产者之外。

Also, see Logging Draft State Values另请参阅记录草稿状态值

It's very common for a developer to call console.log(state) during the development process.开发者在开发过程中调用console.log(state)是很常见的。 However, browsers display Proxies in a format that is hard to read, which can make console logging of Immer-based state difficult.但是,浏览器以难以阅读的格式显示代理,这可能会使基于 Immer 的状态的控制台日志记录变得困难。

When using either createSlice or createReducer , you may use the current utility that we re-export from the immer library.使用createSlicecreateReducer ,您可以使用我们从immer库重新导出的当前实用程序。 This utility creates a separate plain copy of the current Immer Draft state value, which can then be logged for viewing as normal.此实用程序会创建当前 Immer Draft状态值的单独普通副本,然后可以将其记录下来以供正常查看。


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    <script src="https://unpkg.com/@reduxjs/toolkit@1.6.1/dist/redux-toolkit.umd.js"></script>

        window.onload = function () {
            const { configureStore, createSlice, current } = window.RTK;

            const counterSlice = createSlice({
                name: 'user',
                initialState: { value: 0 },
                reducers: {
                    increment(state) {
                        console.log('immer draft state: ', state)
                        console.log('js object state: ', current(state))

            const store = configureStore({ reducer: counterSlice.reducer });





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