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未找到 HugSQL 定义的 function

[英]HugSQL defined function not found

This will probably be very thin but I am running out of options...这可能会很薄,但我已经没有选择了……

I am using clojure with hugsql and I am a true beginner with database tech.我将 clojure 与 hugsql 一起使用,我是数据库技术的真正初学者。 I am trying to call an user-defined function that a colleague has defined in the database.我正在尝试调用同事在数据库中定义的用户定义的 function。

So, my problem is: making the query in databases software such as dbeaver, I get the results with no issues, however running from hugsql I get an error claiming it does not recognize the function.所以,我的问题是:在 dbeaver 等数据库软件中进行查询,我得到的结果没有问题,但是从 hugsql 运行我得到一个错误,声称它无法识别 function。

My.sql file is something like我的.sql 文件是这样的

-- :name a-fake-name :? :1
-- :doc some fake documentation

select * from a_fake_user_defined_function(:arg1, :arg2, :arg3, :arg4, 1); 

I read the queries like so我这样阅读查询

(ns sql.commands
  (:require [hugsql.core :as hugsql]))

(hugsql/def-db-fns "sql/file.sql")

I runned the command from clojure:我从 clojure 运行命令:

(def db
  {:classname "org.postgresql.Driver"
   :subprotocol "postgresql"
   :subname subname
   :user user
   :password password})

(sql/a-fake-name db {:arg1 "first-argument" :arg2 "second-one" :arg3 "third" :arg4 "and-forth"})

And the error I get is我得到的错误是

ERROR: function a_fake_user_defined_function(character varying,
   character varying, character varying, character varying, integer)
   does not exist Hint: No function matches the given name and
   argument types. You might need to add explicit type casts.
   Position: 15

From the error I assume, I am missing some notation or configuration... Does anyone have an idea on what I can do?从我假设的错误来看,我缺少一些符号或配置......有没有人知道我能做什么?

I tried to look on hugsql documentation but got no luck.我试图查看hugsql 文档,但没有成功。


PS.: I am well aware it is a good practice provide an reproducible error on stackoverflow, but this is from my work I am quite clueless on how to reproduce the database. PS.:我很清楚在 stackoverflow 上提供可重现的错误是一种很好的做法,但这是我的工作,我对如何重现数据库一无所知。 Hopefully this is enough...希望这就足够了......

As hinted by @cfrick, the problem was with the arguments definition in the hugsql file.正如@cfrick 所暗示的,问题出在 hugsql 文件中的 arguments 定义上。 The answer was also provided by a contributor in a github issue .答案也由贡献者在github 问题中提供。

The problem was that it was not finding a function with that name and those type of arguments. The solution then was to type cast with double-colon each of the arguments ( https://www.hugsql.org/#colon ).问题是它没有找到具有该名称和 arguments 类型的 function。然后解决方案是使用双冒号 arguments ( https://www.hugsql.org/#colon ) 中的每一个进行类型转换。

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