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R:提取 substring 并将相同的 substring 粘贴到字符串末尾

[英]R: Extract substring and paste the same substring at the end of a string

I have some strings with the following pattern of: letters and numbers我有一些具有以下模式的字符串:字母和数字


I want to extract the part "Xy" (always the same letters) and paste it at the end of the remaining string.我想提取“Xy”部分(总是相同的字母)并将其粘贴到剩余字符串的末尾。 The result schould look like this:结果应该是这样的:

A11B3C4. Xy
A1B14C23C16. Xy
B14C23C16D3. Xy

Could you point me to a function capable of this?你能给我指一个有能力的 function 吗?

Thank you!谢谢你!

We can use sub and build groups in the pattern argument by wrapping them in () .我们可以在pattern参数中使用sub和 build 组,方法是将它们包装在()中。 We can access these groups in the replacement argument with \\ followed by the group number.我们可以在replacement参数中使用\\后跟组号来访问这些组。

strs <- c("A11B3XyC4", 

sub("(.*)(Xy)(.*)", "\\1\\3\\. \\2", strs)
#> [1] "A11B3C4. Xy"     "A1B14C23C16. Xy" "B14C23C16D3. Xy"

Created on 2021-08-27 by the reprex package (v0.3.0)reprex package (v0.3.0) 创建于 2021-08-27

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