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在设备配置期间自动设置 WiFi Android MGMT API

[英]Automate WiFi setup during device provisioning Android MGMT API

I am using the Android Management API to deploy fully managed devices - I create policies for each of my tablets, and they are provisioned via QR codes.我正在使用 Android Management API 来部署完全托管的设备 - 我为我的每台平板电脑创建策略,并通过二维码进行配置。 I have recently added an openNetworkConfiguration to my policies.我最近在我的策略中添加了一个 openNetworkConfiguration。 I was under the assumption that the purpose of this is to auto connect to a.network upon provisioning.我假设这样做的目的是在配置时自动连接到 a.network。 Am I mistaken with this?我错了吗?

I tested this with my home WiFi.我用家里的 WiFi 测试了这个。 The values I entered in to the policy are valid as far as the required parameters, as the MGMT API will not let invalid settings get through... and I know my own WiFi credentials.就所需参数而言,我在策略中输入的值是有效的,因为 MGMT API 不会让无效设置通过……而且我知道我自己的 WiFi 凭据。 So why would the openNetwworkConfiguration I have provided not connect me to the WiFi automatically after I have scanned a QR code for my device?那么为什么我提供的 openNetwworkConfiguration 在我为我的设备扫描二维码后没有自动将我连接到 WiFi?

Your policy will only be applied after the provisioning of your device, meaning when you factory reset your device and scan the qr, the policy is not yet applied on your device, it will be applied after connecting to a.network and completing the initial setup.您的政策只会在您的设备配置后应用,这意味着当您恢复出厂设置并扫描二维码时,该政策尚未应用于您的设备,它将在连接到 a.network 并完成初始设置后应用.

Once provisioned (after the initial setup), then the policy for openNetwworkConfiguration will be applied on your device.一旦配置(在初始设置之后),openNetwworkConfiguration 的策略将应用于您的设备。 Wifi connection information can be included as part of the provisioning QR code. Wifi 连接信息可以作为配置二维码的一部分包含在内。 The available options for provisioning using a QR code are listed here . 此处列出了使用 QR 代码进行配置的可用选项。

To connect to a WiFi connection during device setup/provisioning, you would need to include (minimally) the SSID and Password information.要在设备设置/配置期间连接到 WiFi 连接,您需要(至少)包括 SSID 和密码信息。 Please keep in mind that the data within the QRCode can be obtained using a simple QR reader application.请记住,QRCode 中的数据可以使用简单的 QR 阅读器应用程序获取。 By including this information, the customer would be exposing their wifi password publicly to anyone with the QR code.通过包含此信息,客户将向任何拥有二维码的人公开其 wifi 密码。

You can check the quick start guide to learn more about the process of provisioning devices.您可以查看快速入门指南以了解有关配置设备过程的更多信息。

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