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我无法从 PhpStorm 保存到 WSL2

[英]I can not save from PhpStorm to WSL2

I am new in Linux (Ubuntu 20.04 WSL) and I got a problem hopefully you can help me.我是 Linux(Ubuntu 20.04 WSL)的新手,我遇到了一个问题,希望你能帮助我。

I can create a file from PhpStorm like index.php or anything, but I can not oversave an existing file.我可以从 PhpStorm 创建一个文件,如index.php或任何东西,但我不能过度保存现有文件。 The message is消息是

Unable to save settings.无法保存设置。 Failed to save settings.Please restart PhpStorm.保存设置失败。请重新启动 PhpStorm。

I tried switch off Windows Firewall, but did not work.我尝试关闭 Windows 防火墙,但没有奏效。

I did reset a few times WSL and reinstall PhpStorm but did not work.我确实重置了几次 WSL 并重新安装了 PhpStorm 但没有奏效。

The Notepad++ can save files to the shared folder ( user/Jon/.azure ). Notepad++ 可以将文件保存到共享文件夹( user/Jon/.azure )。

try to set to login in wsl as root from CMD terminal -> ubuntu20 config --default-user root尝试从 CMD 终端设置以 root 身份登录 wsl -> ubuntu20 config --default-user root

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