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[英]Filtering list of tuples based on condition

For a given list of tuples, if multiple tuples in the list have the first element of tuple the same - among them select only the tuple with the maximum last element.对于给定的元组列表,如果列表中的多个元组具有相同的元组的第一个元素 - 其中仅选择具有最大最后一个元素的元组。

For example:例如:

sample_list = [(5,16,2),(5,10,3),(5,8,1),(21,24,1)]

In the sample_list above since the first 3 tuples has the similar first element 5 in this case among them only the 2nd tuple should be retained since it has the max last element => 3 .在上面的sample_list ,由于前 3 个元组具有相似的第一个元素5在这种情况下,其中只有第二个元组应保留,因为它具有最大的最后一个元素 => 3

Expected op:预期操作:

op = [(5,10,3),(21,24,1)]


op = []
for m in range(len(sample_list)):
    li = [sample_list[m]]
    for n in range(len(sample_list)):
        if(sample_list[m][0] == sample_list[n][0]
           and sample_list[m][2] != sample_list[n][2]):
    op.append(sorted(li,key=lambda dd:dd[2],reverse=True)[0])

print (list(set(op)))

This works.这有效。 But it is very slow for long list.但是对于长列表来说非常慢。 Is there a more pythonic or efficient way to do this?有没有更pythonic或更有效的方法来做到这一点?

You could use a collections.defaultdict to group tuples that have the same first element and then take the maximum of each group based on the third:您可以使用collections.defaultdict对具有相同第一个元素的元组进行分组,然后根据第三个元素取每个组的最大值:

from collections import defaultdict

sample_list = [(5,16,2),(5,10,3),(5,8,1),(21,24,1)]

d = defaultdict(list)
for e in sample_list:

res = [max(val, key=lambda x: x[2]) for val in d.values()]


[(5, 10, 3), (21, 24, 1)]

This approach is O(n) .这种方法是O(n)

Use itertools.groupby and operator.itemgetter for readability.使用itertools.groupbyoperator.itemgetter以提高可读性。 Within the groups, apply max with an appropriate key function, again using itemgetter for brevity:在组内,使用适当的键函数应用max ,再次使用itemgetter为简洁起见:

from itertools import groupby
from operator import itemgetter as ig

lst = [(5, 10, 3), (21, 24, 1), (5, 8, 1), (5, 16, 2)]

[max(g, key=ig(-1)) for _, g in groupby(sorted(lst), key=ig(0))]
# [(5, 10, 3), (21, 24, 1)]

For a linear-time solution, with extra-space only bound the number of unique first elements, you may use a dict :对于线性时间解决方案,额外空间仅限制唯一第一个元素的数量,您可以使用dict

d = {}
for tpl in lst:
    first, *_, last = tpl
    if first not in d or last > d[first][-1]:
        d[first] = tpl

# [(5, 10, 3), (21, 24, 1)]

Try itertools.groupby :试试itertools.groupby

from itertools import groupby
print([max(l, key=lambda x: x[-1]) for _, l in groupby(sample_list, key=lambda x: x[0])])

Or also with operator.itemgetter :或者也可以使用operator.itemgetter

from itertools import groupby
from operator import itemgetter
print([max(l, key=itemgetter(-1)) for _, l in groupby(sample_list, key=itemgetter(0))])

For performance try:对于性能尝试:

from operator import itemgetter
dct = {}
for i in sample_list:
    if i[0] in dct:
        dct[i[0]] = [i]
print([max(v, key=itemgetter(-1)) for v in dct.values()])

All output:所有输出:

[(5, 10, 3), (21, 24, 1)]

Here is a linear-time method which I think qualifies as more Pythonic:这是一个线性时间方法,我认为它更像 Pythonic:

highest = dict()
for a, b, c in sample_list:
     if a not in highest or c >= highest[a][2]:
         highest[a] = (a, b, c)
op = list(highest.values())

You can change the >= to > if you care about how to choose between triples with the same first and last elements but different middle elements.您可以更改>=>如果你关心如何使用相同的第一个和最后一个元素,但不同的中间分子三元之间进行选择。

As pointed out by @AlexWaygood, dict s have yielded their elements according to insertion order since Python 3.7.正如@AlexWaygood 所指出的,自 Python 3.7 以来, dict已经根据插入顺序生成了它们的元素。 The code above therefore causes the elements of op to be in the same order the elements of sample_list .因此,上面的代码导致op的元素与sample_list的元素具有相同的顺序。

In Python 3.6 or older, on the other hand, the order may change.另一方面,在 Python 3.6 或更早版本中,顺序可能会改变。 If you want a solution that works in Python 3.6 too, you will need to use an OrderedDict , as in:如果您想要一个也适用于 Python 3.6 的解决方案,您将需要使用OrderedDict ,如下所示:

from collections import OrderedDict

highest = OrderedDict()
for a, b, c in sample_list:
     if a not in highest or c >= highest[a][2]:
         highest[a] = (a, b, c)
op = list(highest.values())

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