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Engintron:Nginx 无法启动

[英]Engintron: Nginx couldn't start

I have a Cpanel/WHM server with Nginx installed as reverse proxy (with default Nginx manager), so i tried to replace Nginx with Engintron.我有一个安装了 Nginx 作为反向代理的 Cpanel/WHM 服务器(默认为 Nginx 管理器),所以我尝试用 Engintron 替换 Nginx。 I installed Engintron and uninstalled Nginx via Cpanel Nginx manager.我通过 Cpanel Nginx 管理器安装了 Engintron 并卸载了 Nginx。 As a result i got website not working and Nginx couldn't start (status from WHM Engintron page), so i should reinstall Nginx?结果我的网站无法正常工作,Nginx 无法启动(来自 WHM Engintron 页面的状态),所以我应该重新安装 Nginx? I don't know if Engintron contains already Nginx or not I tried to reinstall Nginx and website work again, but i don't know if Engintron is serving the website or Nginx我不知道 Engintron 是否已经包含 Nginx 我尝试重新安装 Nginx 并且网站再次运行,但我不知道 Engintron 是否正在为该网站或 Nginx 提供服务

Engintron contains nginx installation within their script. Engintron 在其脚本中包含 nginx 安装。 So if you install only engintron, it will be default instead nginx in reverse proxy mode with apache.因此,如果您仅安装 engintron,在反向代理模式下,它将默认使用 apache 而不是 nginx。

You can check your nginx installed configuration file location by sudo nginx -t您可以通过 sudo nginx -t 检查您的 nginx 安装的配置文件位置

(it will show location of configuration file along with testing the same). (它将显示配置文件的位置以及对其进行测试)。

See if the nginx configuration file matches the engintron configuration file or not.查看nginx配置文件是否与engintron配置文件匹配。 If you are confused here also then run $ sudo nginx -T如果您在这里也感到困惑,请运行 $ sudo nginx -T

this will dump the output of configuration file which you may tally with Engintron config file.这将转储配置文件的 output,您可以将其与 Engintron 配置文件相比较。

Last option would be to uninstall both the nginx and make a clean installation of Engintron.最后一个选项是卸载 nginx 并全新安装 Engintron。

Try to run these commands first:首先尝试运行这些命令:

/usr/sbin/nginx -s stop
/usr/local/cpanel/scripts/restartsrv_nginx start

If the problem still exists, Uninstall Nginx and all Ruby packages from EasyApache via WHM and reinstall Nginx again.如果问题仍然存在,请通过 WHM 从 EasyApache 中卸载 Nginx 和所有 Ruby 软件包,然后重新安装 Nginx。

声明:本站的技术帖子网页,遵循CC BY-SA 4.0协议,如果您需要转载,请注明本站网址或者原文地址。任何问题请咨询:yoyou2525@163.com.

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