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[英]Retrieve number of citations of a scientific paper in a given year

How can I retrieve the number of citations of a paper in a given year?如何检索给定年份论文的引用次数?

I had a look at Scopus Citation Overview API but the pybliometrics documentation says the API key needs to be approved by Elsevier for this purpose, and in fact it is returning error 403.我查看了 Scopus Citation Overview API,但pybliometrics 文档说 API 密钥需要得到 Elsevier 的批准才能用于此目的,实际上它返回了错误 403。

Are there other data sources from which I can retrieve the number of citations?是否有其他数据源可以检索引用次数?

Thercrossref package provides a function cr_citation_count which seems to get the number of citation today . rcrossref包提供了一个函数cr_citation_count ,它似乎可以获取今天的引用次数。

I need the number of citation at a given year (for instance, if a paper was published in 2010, I may need the number of citation in 2015, not as of today at 2021).我需要给定年份的引用次数(例如,如果一篇论文发表于 2010 年,我可能需要 2015 年的引用次数,而不是截至今天的 2021 年)。

  • First, access the OpenCitations API with a given DOI.首先,使用给定的 DOI 访问OpenCitations API

  • Second, fetch the DOIs of all the citing papers.其次,获取所有施引论文的 DOI。

  • Third, use these newly fetched DOIs and loop them through the CrossRef API to obtain the respective publication dates.第三,使用这些新获取的 DOI 并通过CrossRef API循环它们以获取各自的发布日期。

Example :示例

  • You are interested in obtaining all citations from the year 2020 to the paper with the DOI 10.1080/17512786.2019.1682940 .您有兴趣获取从 2020 年到 DOI 10.1080/17512786.2019.1682940论文的所有引用。

  • First, access OpenCitations via https://opencitations.net/index/coci/api/v1/citations/10.1080/17512786.2019.1682940 (which finds 6 citations in total).首先,通过https://opencitations.net/index/coci/api/v1/citations/10.1080/17512786.2019.1682940访问OpenCitations (共找到 6 个引文)。

  • Second, fetch the values in the field citing -- they show the DOIs of the citing papers.其次,获取citing字段中的值——它们显示施引论文的 DOI。 For example, the second citing DOI is 10.17645/mac.v8i3.3019 .例如,第二个citing DOI 是10.17645/mac.v8i3.3019

  • Third, access CrossRef with the help of these DOIs, such as via https://api.crossref.org/works/10.17645/mac.v8i3.3019 , and look at the published -field (which is 2020-07-10 ).第三,借助这些 DOI 访问 CrossRef,例如通过https://api.crossref.org/works/10.17645/mac.v8i3.3019 ,并查看已published -field(即2020-07-10 ) . Keep only those values that start with the year 2020 .仅保留那些以2020开头的值。

  • Note - - maybe you could omit the third step if you fetch the creation -field in OpenCitations during the second step (it seems to be identical to the published -field in CrossRef).注意——如果你在第二步中获取 OpenCitations 中的creation字段,也许你可以省略第三步(它似乎与 CrossRef 中的published字段相同)。 I haven't tested that systematically.我还没有系统地测试过。

Be aware that the citation counts between OpenCitations and CrossRef can vary (OpenCitaions usually shows less citations than CrossRef).请注意,OpenCitations 和 CrossRef 之间的引用计数可能会有所不同(OpenCitaions 通常显示的引用次数少于 CrossRef)。

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