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Firestore v9 预期 collection() 的第一个参数是 CollectionReference、DocumentReference 或 FirebaseFirestore

[英]Firestore v9 Expected first argument to collection() to be a CollectionReference, a DocumentReference or FirebaseFirestore

I tried to add new users from the signup page to firestore but it didn't work.我试图将新用户从注册页面添加到 firestore,但没有成功。

Here's my config.js这是我的config.js

import { initializeApp } from 'firebase/app';
import { getAuth } from 'firebase/auth';
import { getDatabase } from "firebase/database";

const firebaseConfig = initializeApp ({

export const auth = getAuth(firebaseConfig)
export const database = getDatabase(firebaseConfig);

And Signup.jsSignup.js

import React, { Component } from "react";
import  firebase  from "./config";
import { collection, addDoc,doc } from "firebase/firestore"; 

class Signup extends Component {

    constructor(props) {
        this.state = {
            name: '-',
            email: '-',

    addUser = e => {

        try {
            const collectionRef = doc(database, 'users');
            const docRef = addDoc(collectionRef, {
                name: this.state.name,
                email: this.state.email,
          } catch (e) {
            console.error("Error adding document: ", e);

        return (
              //do something
              <button className="btn btn-primary" onClick={this.addUser}>Submit</button>

And here's the error:这是错误:

FirebaseError: Expected first argument to collection() to be a CollectionReference, a DocumentReference or FirebaseFirestore FirebaseError:collection() 的第一个参数应为 CollectionReference、DocumentReference 或 FirebaseFirestore

I changed Config.js to:我将Config.js更改为:

export const auth = getAuth()
export const database = getDatabase();

and I still got the same error.我仍然遇到同样的错误。 Does it mean that I didn't connect firestore successfully?是不是说明我没有连接firestore成功? :'( Please help me solve this problem. Thank you. :'( 请帮我解决这个问题。谢谢。

const collectionRef = doc(database, 'users');

The database here is an instance of realtime database and not Firestore.这里的database是实时数据库的一个实例,而不是 Firestore。

export const database = getFirestore(); // not getDatabase()

You must use getFirestore() to get an instance of Firestore and pass it in doc() .您必须使用getFirestore()来获取 Firestore 的实例并将其传递给doc() The error says Expected first argument to collection() even if an invalid argument is passed to doc() .即使将无效参数传递给doc() ,该错误也会显示Expected first argument to collection()

Try changing the path for the collection尝试更改集合的路径

const collectionRef = doc(database, '/users');

it worked with me!它对我有用!

Error in import.导入错误。 My error is:我的错误是:

import { collection, getDocs } from "firebase/firestore/lite";从“firebase/firestore/lite”导入 { 集合,getDocs }; this in lite import { getFirestore } from "firebase/firestore";这在 lite import { getFirestore } from "firebase/firestore"; and this complted这完成了

las importaciones deben ser iguales imports must be equal las importaciones deben ser iguales 进口必须相等


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