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Python 3.9: async_generator 不能用于 'await' 表达式

[英]Python 3.9: async_generator can't be used in 'await' expression

I'm trying the following:我正在尝试以下操作:

class Payload_Session_Generator:
    def __init__(self):

    async def __anext__(self):
        async for payload in generate_fb_payload():
            if type(payload) != str:
                yield payload

    def __aiter__(self):
        return self

This is then passed as an instance to a different function and the __aiter__ method is called explicitly and _iter is an object of the above class:然后将其作为实例传递给另一个 function 并显式调用__aiter__方法, _iter是上述 class 的 object:

chunk = await self._iter.__anext__()

This then yields the following error:然后会产生以下错误:

TypeError: object async_generator can't be used in 'await' expression TypeError: object async_generator 不能用于 'await' 表达式

Change your code like更改您的代码,例如

class PayloadSessionGenerator:
    def __init__(self):
    async def __aiter__(self):
        async for payload in generate_fb_payload():
            if type(payload) != str:
                yield payload

try next call尝试下一个电话

x = Payload_Session_Generator()
chunk = await x.__anext__()

An asynchronous generator is similar to a regular generator: __anext__ must provide one element each time it is called.异步生成器与常规生成器类似: __anext__每次调用时都必须提供一个元素。 Since an (async) generator is an (async) iterator, it must return the object itself.由于(异步)生成器是(异步)迭代器,因此它必须返回 object 本身。

As such, __anext__ should use return instead of yield :因此, __anext__应该使用return而不是yield

class Payload_Session_Generator:
    async def __anext__(self):
        async for payload in generate_fb_payload():
            if type(payload) != str:
                return payload            # return one element
                raise StopAsyncIteration  # raise at end of iteration

    def __aiter__(self):
        return self

Note that if a class uses just __anext__ and __aiter__ , it is simpler to write a proper async generator.请注意,如果 class 仅使用__anext____aiter__ ,则编写适当的异步生成器会更简单。 An async generator is defined using async def and yield in the body:异步生成器在主体中使用async defyield定义:

async def payload_session_generator(self):
    async for payload in generate_fb_payload():
        if type(payload) != str:
            yield payload  # yield each element
            break          # exiting ends iteration

I had a different scenario:我有一个不同的场景:

async def get_body_file(
    request: Request,
) -> AsyncGenerator[str, None]:
    loop = asyncio.get_event_loop()
    bytes_written = 0

        with tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(delete=False) as fp:
            async for chunk in request.stream():
                bytes_written += len(chunk)
                if bytes_written > MAX_FILE_SIZE:
                    raise HTTP_BAD_REQUEST(
                        f"The maximum file limit has been exceeded, maximum allowed: {MAX_FILE_SIZE} bytes.",
                await loop.run_in_executor(None, fp.write, chunk)

        if bytes_written == 0:
            raise HTTP_BAD_REQUEST("body-expected", "No data received")

        yield fp.name

            await loop.run_in_executor(None, os.unlink, fp.name)
        except FileNotFoundError:

for me it was to await this way:对我来说,就是这样等待:

file = await get_body_file(request).__anext__()

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