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如何将组件指针从 QML 传递到 C++?

[英]How To Pass Component Pointer From QML To C++?

What is the easiest way to pass a component pointer created in a QML file to C++?将在 QML 文件中创建的组件指针传递给 C++ 的最简单方法是什么? From Qt Documentation explanations we could take the QML file root object and then search for our component objectName .Qt 文档解释我们可以获取 QML 文件根目录 object 然后搜索我们的组件objectName But it's hard to keep sync the components objectName in both C++ codes and QML codes:但是很难在 C++ 代码和 QML 代码中保持组件objectName同步:

Just for Copy/Paste: qml_pass_objectName_example仅用于复制/粘贴: qml_pass_objectName_example

auto const root = engine.rootObjects();
    auto const obj = root.first()->findChild<test_item*>("testItem");
        qDebug() << "Couldn't Cast";
    qDebug() << "Empty";

I tried to pass the component from QML code on Component.onCompleted :我试图通过 Component.onCompleted 上的 QML 代码传递Component.onCompleted

main.qml (for copy/paste: qml_pass_id_example/main.qml ) main.qml (用于复制/粘贴: qml_pass_id_example/main.qml
        id: testItemId;
        Component.onCompleted: controller.setup_test(testItemId);
main.cpp (for copy/paste: qml_pass_id_example/main.cpp ) main.cpp (用于复制/粘贴: qml_pass_id_example/main.cpp
class controller : public QObject
  public slots:
    Q_INVOKABLE void setup_test(test_item* item)
#include "main.moc"

int main(int argc, char* argv[])
    QGuiApplication app(argc, argv);
    QQmlApplicationEngine engine;
    controller c;
    qmlRegisterType<test_item>("qml.pass.id", 1, 0, "TestItem");
    engine.rootContext()->setContextProperty("controller", &c);
    return app.exec();

And I think this is much simpler than using objectName , but I couldn't find any related documentation about passing the component's ID to C++ functions.而且我认为这比使用objectName简单得多,但是我找不到任何关于将组件的 ID 传递给 C++ 函数的相关文档。 So my questions:所以我的问题:

  1. What is the easiest way to passing the QML component pointer to C++?将 QML 组件指针传递给 C++ 的最简单方法是什么?
  2. Is passing the QML component ID as the component C++ type pointer to the C++ function valid?将 QML 组件 ID 作为组件 C++ 类型指针传递给 C++ function 有效吗?

  • Qt: 6.2.0 and 5.15.2 . Qt:
  • Compiler: GCC 11.1.0 and MSVC 2019 .编译器: GCC 11.1.0MSVC 2019
  • Platforms: MS Windows and GNU/Linux平台: MS WindowsGNU/Linux
  1. The easy thing is debatable since it depends on the definition of what is easy or difficult for each case so I will not answer this question since it falls outside of SO.容易的事情是有争议的,因为它取决于每种情况下容易或困难的定义,所以我不会回答这个问题,因为它不属于 SO。

  2. Yes, it is valid to export any QML object to C ++.是的,导出任何 QML object 到 C ++ 都是有效的。 The id is the reference to the object so you are not passing the name "testItemId" but you are passing a test_item object that has as identifier "testItemId". id 是对 object 的引用,因此您没有传递名称“testItemId”,而是传递了一个具有标识符“testItemId”的test_item object。

Note: It is recommended not to expose any QML object to C ++ (or do it for a minimum time) since its life cycle is managed by QML so it could be eliminated at any moment causing you to access pointers that no longer have associated objects.注意:建议不要暴露任何 QML object 到 C ++(或暴露最短时间),因为它的生命周期由 QML 管理,因此它可能随时被淘汰,导致您访问不再关联的指针对象。 . .

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