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如何正确更改 React 上下文值?

[英]How to properly change React context value?

Say i've declared have the following context:假设我已声明具有以下上下文:

const ColorContext = React.createContext(“”)

I am trying to create a simple function that can change the value of the context, which can later be used in a number of other components as a global state variable.我正在尝试创建一个简单的 function ,它可以更改上下文的值,稍后可以在许多其他组件中用作全局变量 state 。 The function i've implemented however is not doing anything to change the context value, here is what i've done, feel free to let me know where I am going wrong in the code:我已经实现的 function 但是没有做任何改变上下文值的事情,这是我所做的,请随时告诉我我在代码中哪里出错了:

function GlobalContext(){

const {color, setColor} = useContext(ColorContext);

const toGreen = () => {

    <ColorContext.Provider value={{color, setColor}}>
    <button onClick={toGreen}> Change Color </button>

You're doing it wrong.你这样做是错的。 useContext is for use in components lower in the tree than the Context's Provider. useContext用于树中低于上下文提供者的组件。 What you want in the component that renders your Context.Provider is this:您在呈现Context.Provider的组件中想要的是:

const [color, setColor] = useState();

So the whole thing would look something like this:所以整个事情看起来像这样:

const ColorContext = React.createContext();

const MyColorContextProvider = ({children}) => {

  const [color, setColor] = useState(); 
  const toGreen = () => setColor('green');

  return (
   <ColorContext.Provider value={{color,setColor}}>
      <button onClick={toGreen}>Change to Green</button>

and then:接着:

const MyChildComponent = () => {
   const {color} = useContext(ColorContext);

   return <>The color in context is {color}</>

your app could be:您的应用可能是:

const App = () => {
  return (

Stackblitz: https://stackblitz.com/edit/react-gym2ku?file=src%2FColorContextProvider.js Stackblitz: https://stackblitz.com/edit/react-gym2ku?file=src%2FColorContextProvider.js

  1. toGreen() is passed as an argument to the value of ColorContext toGreen()作为参数传递给ColorContext的值
  2. Any Nested Component can use toGreen() to change the color任何嵌套组件都可以使用toGreen()来改变颜色
// Created a New Context for global use
const ColorContext = createContext();

export default function GlobalContext() {
  // I set the value of color to red using array destructuring
  const [color, setColor] = useState('Red');

  const toGreen = () => {
    // I set the color to green when this function is called

  return (
      {/* I pass the both the color and the toGreen function as args, now they can be accessed by all nested components */}
      <ColorContext.Provider value= {{color, toGreen}}>
        <h1>Current Color is : {color}</h1>
        <NestedComponent />

// I created a nested component
function NestedComponent() {
  // useContext lets us access the values passed to ColorContext
  const colorProvider = useContext(ColorContext);
  return (
    // When button is Clicked the toGreen function passed down is triggered
    <button onClick={colorProvider.toGreen}>Change Color from {colorProvider.color} to Green</button>

Explanation and Code in Code Sandbox Hope it helps代码沙箱中的说明和代码希望对您有所帮助

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