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BizTalk Server物理部署问题

[英]BizTalk Server physical deployment question

I am deploying a BizTalk solution at a client shortly; 我即将在客户端部署BizTalk解决方案; Their infrastructure architects want SQL Server in a seperate security zone on their network isolated from the other servers. 他们的基础架构设计师希望SQL Server在其网络上与其他服务器隔离的单独安全区域中。

My question, knowing that BizTalk is very chatty with SQL and relies heavily on it; 我的问题是,知道BizTalk非常喜欢SQL并且非常依赖它。 what would the performance impact be in having the SQL Server(s) in another security zone. 将SQL Server放在另一个安全区域中会对性能产生什么影响。 How much performance hit would we be encountering for every call to SQL across the firewall? 跨防火墙的每个SQL调用会遇到多少性能下降?

Thanks 谢谢

If by security zone you mean a non trusted domain situation it flat out won't work as BizTalk will rely on integrated security. 如果按安全区域划分,是指不受信任的域情况,那么它将无法正常工作,因为BizTalk将依赖于集成安全性。 As far as the performance impact, it will really depend on size and frequency of messages. 至于性能影响,它实际上取决于消息的大小和频率。 That being said almost all BizTalk performance issues first show themselves as I/O problems at the database (SAN is preferred to traditional disk). 话虽如此,几乎所有BizTalk性能问题都首先表现为数据库的I / O问题(SAN优于传统磁盘)。

If you are putting the SQL Server behind a firewall, this is not a problem so long as the firewall has sufficient throughput to support the traffic from BizTalk. 如果将SQL Server放在防火墙后面,只要防火墙具有足够的吞吐量以支持来自BizTalk的通信,就没有问题。 This is no different than putting the SQL Server on a different network segment than the BizTalk Server. 这与将SQL Server与BizTalk Server放在不同的网段上没有什么不同。 There will be additional latency because of this (every packet will have to be examined). 因此会有额外的延迟(必须检查每个数据包)。 Don't think that you won't feel it. 不要以为你不会感觉到。 The netowkr folks will have to work with you here to determine of there will be a blanket exemption to SQL from BizTalk or will they inspect every packet. netowkr人员将不得不在这里与您一起确定BizTalk是否将全面免除SQL,或者他们将检查每个数据包。

The bigger question is, can you characterize the type of activity BizTalk will be involved in - lots of small messages, a few big messages, long runnin g transactions, etc. These are more important in qunatifying the impact the decision of where to place SQL may have. 更大的问题是,您能否描述BizTalk会涉及的活动类型-许多小消息,一些大消息,长期运行的事务等。这些对于确定SQL在何处放置的决定的影响更为重要。可能有。

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