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以 jdk11 作为基础 docker 镜像的 Alpine

[英]Alpine with jdk11 as base docker image

I have a base Dockerfile used by a bunch of services, looking like this:我有一堆服务使用的基本Dockerfile ,如下所示:

FROM adoptopenjdk/openjdk11:jdk-11.0.11_9-alpine-slim

There were some security fixes for Linux Alpine , and I'd like to include them in my base image. Linux Alpine有一些安全修复程序,我想将它们包含在我的基本映像中。 Looking for a new image on AdoptOpenJDK's official page , I've found that these tags are deprecated as of 1st August 2021 in favour of the Eclipse Temurin project.AdaptOpenJDK 的官方页面上寻找新图片时,我发现这些标签自 2021 年 8 月 1 日起已弃用,取而代之的是Eclipse Temurin项目。

Eclipse Temurin does not have an alpine-based jdk11 image. Eclipse Temurin 没有基于 alpine 的 jdk11 映像。 Do I...我是不是...

  1. Use the 11-jdk-focal from Temurin?使用来自 Temurin 的 11-jdk-focal?
  2. Build my own alpine image and add jdk11 to it?构建我自己的 alpine 映像并将 jdk11 添加到其中?
  3. Use any other alternative provider?使用任何其他替代供应商?


My solution for now is to use alpine as base image and install openjdk with apk, as explained here -> https://stackoverflow.com/a/68459967/1774643我现在的解决方案是使用 alpine 作为基础映像并使用 apk 安装 openjdk,如下所述-> https://stackoverflow.com/a/68459967/1774643

FROM alpine:3.14

RUN  apk update \
  && apk upgrade \
  && apk add --update openjdk11 tzdata curl unzip bash \
  && rm -rf /var/cache/apk/*

eclipse-temurin:11-alpine 是否提供您所需要的?

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