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Vue3 - 将多个事件侦听器及其处理程序传递给子组件

[英]Vue3 - pass multiple event listeners along with their handlers to child component

in Vue3 I can do the following:在 Vue3 中,我可以执行以下操作:

Parent Component:父组件:

<ChildComponent :props="{ id: 'the-id', class: 'the-class' }" />


    <input v-bind="props" />

export default {
    props: {
        props: { type: Object }

This will result in HTML like this:这将导致 HTML 如下所示:

<input id="the-id" class="the-class" />

I'm still learning Vue and I was wondering if I could do the same thing with event listeners / handlers.我还在学习 Vue,我想知道是否可以对事件侦听器/处理程序做同样的事情。

With reusable components I might need different event listeners / handlers, depending on where I use the component.对于可重用组件,我可能需要不同的事件侦听器/处理程序,具体取决于我使用组件的位置。 In one form I might need only an @input="..." in the child component, in another form I might also need an @blur="..." or I might not need an event listener at all.在一种形式中,我可能只需要子组件中的@input="..." ,在另一种形式中,我可能还需要@blur="..."或者我可能根本不需要事件侦听器。

Is it possible to do something similar to this?有可能做类似的事情吗?


<ChildComponent :events="{ input: function() { alert('input!'); }, blur: function() { alert('blur!'); } } />


    <input @events />

export default {
    props: {
        props: { type: Object }

Thank you ;)谢谢 ;)

You can also do something similar like you did with the props, by passing an object to v-on :您也可以通过将对象传递给v-on来执行与 props 类似的操作:

<input v-on="{ input: doThis, blur: doThat }"></button>

See here: https://v3.vuejs.org/api/directives.html#v-on见这里: https ://v3.vuejs.org/api/directives.html#v-on

The root element of a component automatically inherits all non-prop attributes (including event listeners) applied to the component from the parent.组件的根元素会自动继承父组件应用到组件的所有非属性属性(包括事件监听器)。 So if <input> were really at the root in ChildComponent , you wouldn't need to declare anything, and you could simply apply attributes to ChildComponent as if it were the input itself:因此,如果<input>确实位于ChildComponent的根目录,则不需要声明任何内容,并且可以简单地将属性应用于ChildComponent ,就好像它是input本身一样:

<ChildComponent id="the-id" class="the-class" @blur="onBlur" />

demo 1 演示 1

However, this will break as soon as you add another element to ChildComponent because <input> would no longer be the root.但是,一旦您向ChildComponent添加另一个元素,这就会中断,因为<input>将不再是根。 It also would be a problem if you wanted to switch the root element (eg, a <label> that wraps the <input> ).如果您想切换根元素(例如,包装<input><label> ),这也是一个问题。

To disable automatic attribute inheritance , allowing control of where to apply the inherited attributes, set inheritAttrs: false in component options.禁用自动属性继承,允许控制应用继承属性的位置,请在组件选项中设置inheritAttrs: false (This doesn't need to be disabled when there are multiple root nodes, as it only applies for single-root components.) Then manually v-bind the $attrs prop to any element within: (当有多个根节点时不需要禁用此功能,因为它仅适用于单根组件。)然后手动将$attrs v-bind到其中的任何元素:

  <label>My input: <input v-bind="$attrs"></label>

export default {
  inheritAttrs: false,

demo 2 演示 2

My recommendation would be to define the different events though Vue's Custom Events;我的建议是通过 Vue 的自定义事件定义不同的事件; The custom events would allow the users of the component to choose which event to subscribe to and handle it accordingly.自定义事件将允许组件的用户选择订阅哪个事件并相应地处理它。

https://v2.vuejs.org/v2/guide/components-custom-events.html https://v2.vuejs.org/v2/guide/components-custom-events.html

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