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将 Azure 屏幕分辨率实用程序与 .yaml 文件一起使用

[英]Usage of Azure Screen Resolution Utility with .yaml file

I am trying to run UI tests on Azure agent and one of the guidelines provided by Microsoft states the use of Screen Resolution Utility to fix the screen resolution during UI tests in visible mode.我正在尝试在 Azure 代理上运行 UI 测试,并且Microsoft 提供准则之一规定使用屏幕分辨率实用程序在可见模式下的 UI 测试期间修复屏幕分辨率。

The problem with that is I am using .yaml files to configure pipeline but I could not find any document that states how to use this utility using .yaml files - even though it has been stated that it can be done.问题是我正在使用 .yaml 文件来配置管道,但我找不到任何说明如何使用 .yaml 文件使用此实用程序的文档 - 尽管已经说明它可以完成。 在此处输入图片说明

Can someone please help me figure out how it is done or point me to the right document?有人可以帮我弄清楚它是如何完成的或指向我正确的文档吗?

Can in clude this in your yaml file可以将其包含在您的 yaml 文件中

- task: ScreenResolutionUtility@1
    displaySettings: 'specific'
    width: '1920'
    height: '1080'

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