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spreadjs 的图标和某些按钮不起作用

[英]icons and some buttons of spreadjs is not working

in this image paste button,find button and some of the default buttons are not working在此图像粘贴按钮中,查找按钮和一些默认按钮不起作用

is there anything with the package that need to change, or which package is it for icons包有什么需要改变的,或者图标是哪个包

What you are describing is not the default behavior of SpreadJS's Designer Component ribbon.您所描述的不是 SpreadJS 的设计器组件功能区的默认行为。 This sounds like an issue with how you are implementing the Designer Component.这听起来像是您如何实现设计器组件的问题。

I see here you tagged Vue.js so since this, I would recommend going through our documentation on getting started with the Designer Component with the Vue Framework and or our Designer Component Introduction blog .我在这里看到您标记了 Vue.js,因此,我建议您阅读我们的文档,了解如何使用 Vue 框架开始使用设计器组件和或我们的设计器组件介绍博客

I also wanted to note that we also have a Vue sample that uses SpreadJS and the Designer component available in our release download link (\\SpreadJS.Release.xxxx\\Designer\\Designer Component\\samples).我还想指出,我们还有一个使用 SpreadJS 的 Vue 示例,我们的发布下载链接 (\\SpreadJS.Release.xxxx\\Designer\\Designer Component\\samples) 中提供了 Designer 组件。 You can download the latest release files from here .您可以从这里下载最新的发行文件。

If you have any other questions regarding using SpreadJS with the Designer Component, please reach out to the SpreadJS team by submitting a ticket .如果您对将 SpreadJS 与 Designer 组件一起使用有任何其他问题,请通过提交工单与 SpreadJS 团队联系

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