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"在谷歌云平台上连接 ssh 时出错"

[英]Error while connecting to ssh on Google cloud platform

I have my instance running on Google Cloud Platform but suddenly my websites stops working and when i try to login via SSH, it keep connecting not never connects.我有我的实例在谷歌云平台上运行,但突然我的网站停止工作,当我尝试通过 SSH 登录时,它保持连接而不是永远连接。 It says:它说:

The key transfer to project metadata is taking an unusually long time.向项目元数据的密钥传输花费了异常长的时间。 Transferring instead to instance metadata may be faster, but will transfer the keys only to this VM.相反,传输到实例元数据可能会更快,但只会将密钥传输到此 VM。 If you wish to SSH into other VMs from this VM, you will need to transfer the keys accordingly.如果您希望从该虚拟机通过 SSH 连接到其他虚拟机,则需要相应地传输密钥。 Click here to transfer the key to instance metadata.单击此处将密钥传输到实例元数据。 Note that this setting is persistent and needs to be disabled in the Instance Details page once enabled.请注意,此设置是持久的,一旦启用,需要在“实例详细信息”页面中禁用。 You can drastically improve your key transfer times by migrating to OS Login.通过迁移到 OS Login,您可以显着缩短密钥传输时间。

When I check metadata, it shows unusual activity, which says:当我检查元数据时,它显示异常活动,其中显示:

google-ssh {"userName":"XXXXXXX@XXXX.com","expireOn":"2021-09-24T10:12:18+0000"}

您是否尝试过对 SSH 进行故障排除

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