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如何更改 arrays 的 arrays 中的特定 numpy 数组?

[英]How to change a specific numpy array inside a arrays of arrays?

I'm writing a program but I'm finding dificulties to update a numpy array.我正在编写一个程序,但我发现更新 numpy 数组有困难。 The code:代码:

print("p: " + str(pontoP))
print("d: " + str(deslocamento))
novoP = np.array([0,0,0])
novoP =  pontoP + deslocamento
pontos[i] = novoP
print("p+d: " + str(pontos[i]))

The output: output:

p: [0.         1.         0.33333333]
d: [ 0. -1.  0.]
p+d: [0 0 0]

pontoP , novoP and deslocamento are 1D numpy arrays (length 3), and pontos is a 2D numpy array (size 8 x 3). pontoPnovoPdeslocamento是 1D numpy arrays(长度 3),而pontos是 2D numpy 数组(大小 8 x 3)。

The line novoP = pontoP + deslocamento is working: the arrays are being summed element-wise.novoP = pontoP + deslocamento正在运行:arrays 正在按元素求和。 However, pontos[i] = novoP is failing to update the 2D array pontos .但是, pontos[i] = novoP无法更新二维数组pontos What can I do?我能做些什么? The desired result is to replace the ith array of pontos with the contents of novoP .期望的结果是用novoP的内容替换第 i 个pontos数组。

Thanks to @hpauli, I found that the issue was the type of numpy array.感谢@hpauli,我发现问题出在 numpy 数组的类型上。 It was an int and when I tried to put a float in it, the float was being rounded.它是一个int ,当我试图在其中放入一个浮点数时,该浮点数被舍入了。

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