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[英]Facing error when starting prometheus service

I am using the following tutorial url I am new to prometheus.我正在使用以下教程url我是普罗米修斯的新手。

error as follows: Failed to start prometheus.service: Unit prometheus.service has a bad unit file setting.报错如下: Failed to start prometheus.service: Unit prometheus.service has a bad unit file setting。

Trace as follows:跟踪如下:

systemctl status prometheus.service 
○ prometheus.service - Prometheus Server
     Loaded: bad-setting (Reason: Unit prometheus.service has a bad unit file setting.)
     Active: inactive (dead)
       Docs: https://prometheus.io/docs/introduction/overview/

Sep 26 02:17:00 fedora systemd[1]: /etc/systemd/system/prometheus.service:13: Neither a valid executable name nor an absolute path: ~/prometheus/prometheus
Sep 26 02:17:00 fedora systemd[1]: prometheus.service: Unit configuration has fatal error, unit will not be started.
Sep 26 02:19:00 fedora systemd[1]: /etc/systemd/system/prometheus.service:13: Neither a valid executable name nor an absolute path: ~/prometheus/prometheus
Sep 26 02:19:00 fedora systemd[1]: prometheus.service: Unit configuration has fatal error, unit will not be started.
Sep 26 02:20:34 fedora systemd[1]: /etc/systemd/system/prometheus.service:13: Neither a valid executable name nor an absolute path: ~/prometheus/prometheus
Sep 26 02:20:34 fedora systemd[1]: prometheus.service: Unit configuration has fatal error, unit will not be started.
Sep 26 02:23:48 fedora systemd[1]: /etc/systemd/system/prometheus.service:13: Neither a valid executable name nor an absolute path: ~/prometheus/prometheus
Sep 26 02:23:48 fedora systemd[1]: prometheus.service: Unit configuration has fatal error, unit will not be started.

prometheus.service file as follows: prometheus.service文件如下:

Description=Prometheus Server


#Change this line if you download the 
#Prometheus on different path user

ExecStart=~/prometheus/prometheus --storage.tsdb.path=/var/lib/prometheus/data/ --web.external-url=http://myurl.com:9090


You need to use an absolute path in prometheus.service file:您需要在 prometheus.service 文件中使用绝对路径:

ExecStart=/xxx/yyy/zzz/prometheus/prometheus ...

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