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IBM XMS .Net 如何从 MQ 接收 png 和 jpg 等图像文件

[英]IBM XMS .Net how do I receive images files like png and jpg from the MQ

I have a .net XMS client to receive messages from the MQ.我有一个 .net XMS 客户端来接收来自 MQ 的消息。 It can receive text files fine.它可以很好地接收文本文件。 But the problem starts when I try to receive .zip or png files.但是当我尝试接收 .zip 或 png 文件时问题就开始了。 The problem is that the file saved is corrupted and always intreprets it as textmessage.问题是保存的文件已损坏并且总是将其解释为短信。

            var filename = "test.png";
            else if (message is IBytesMessage)
               IBytesMessage bytesMessage = (IBytesMessage)message;
               var messageLength = bytesMessage.ReadInt();
               byte[] uploadPayload = new byte[messageLength];
               bytesMessage.ReadBytes(uploadPayload, messageLength);

               var filePath = _fileUtil.SaveBytesFile(fileName, uploadPayload);
               return filePath;
            if (message is ITextMessage)
                var msg = (ITextMessage)message;
                var result = msg.Text;
                var plainTextBytes = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(result);
                var filePath = _fileUtil.SaveBytesFile(fileName, plainTextBytes);
                return filePath;


The msg.Text removes the characerters. msg.Text删除字符
I opened the original png file in notepad++ and find the characters, for example below我在记事本++中打开原始png文件并找到字符,例如下面


I tried also copying the text and pasting the text in an new file corrupts the file.我还尝试复制文本并将文本粘贴到新文件中会损坏文件。 Am I missing something... gets translated to我错过了什么......被翻译成


Anyway to read it with the missing characters无论如何用丢失的字符阅读它

Send binary data (files) to MQ as type IBytesMessage .将二进制数据(文件)作为IBytesMessage类型发送到 MQ。

You should use BodyLength to define the size of the byte[], not ReadInt .您应该使用BodyLength来定义 byte[] 的大小,而不是ReadInt

Change the following line:更改以下行:

var messageLength = bytesMessage.ReadInt();


var messageLength = (int)bytesMessage.BodyLength;

The ITextMessage logic works as expected when the content is text.当内容为文本时, ITextMessage逻辑按预期工作。

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