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显示 angular typescript 中 object 列表中的键和值

[英]Displaying keys and values from a list of object in angular typescript

In my angular app, I have a list of objects that I get dynamically from an API that looks for example like this:在我的 angular 应用程序中,我有一个从 API 动态获取的对象列表,例如:

        "_id": "some id",
        "DATE": "2021/01/08",
        "COUNT": "23",
        "AMOUNT": "268710"
        "_id": "some id",
        "DATE": "2021/09/18",
        "COUNT": "2",
        "AMOUNT": "1,167.73"

I want to be able to access the key and values of each object without mentioning them explicitly, this way if I get a list with more objects or different keys I would be able to display them as well, How can I do that?我希望能够在不明确提及的情况下访问每个 object 的键和值,这样如果我得到一个包含更多对象或不同键的列表,我也可以显示它们,我该怎么做?

                    let row of FilteredMatchTransactions
                      | paginate
                        : { itemsPerPage: itemsPerPage, currentPage: p };
                    let i = index
                    {{ KeysFilteredMatchTransactions[1] }} :
                    {{ row.DATE}}
                    {{ KeysFilteredMatchTransactions[2] }} : {{ row.COUNT}}
                    {{ KeysFilteredMatchTransactions[3] }} :
                    {{ row.AMOUNT}}


ngOnInit(): void {
    const Param = this.route.snapshot.queryParamMap.get('_id');
    this._crudService.GetReportById(Param).subscribe((res) => {
      this.MatchTransactions = res;
      this.FilteredMatchTransactions = this.MatchTransactions.onlyInFile1;

      this.KeysFilteredMatchTransactions = Object.keys(

You could use the Angular keyvalue pipe to traverse each property of the object. Try the following您可以使用 Angular 键值keyvalue遍历 object 的每个属性。尝试以下操作

Controller (*.ts) Controller (*.ts)

ngOnInit(): void {  
  const Param = this.route.snapshot.queryParamMap.get('_id');
  this._crudService.GetReportById(Param).subscribe((res) => {
    this.MatchTransactions = res;
    this.FilteredMatchTransactions = this.MatchTransactions.onlyInFile1;

Template (*.html)模板 (*.html)

  *ngFor="let row of FilteredMatchTransactions | 
          paginate : { itemsPerPage: itemsPerPage, currentPage: p };
          let i = index"
  <ng-container *ngFor="let transaction of row | keyvalue">
    <td *ngIf="transaction.key !== '_id'">
      {{ transaction.key }} : {{ transaction.value }}

Update :更新

  1. FilteredMatchTransactions -> row in 2 nd *ngFor . FilteredMatchTransactions ->第二row *ngFor
  2. *ngIf check for key !== '_id' . *ngIf检查key !== '_id'

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