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如果尚不存在,则创建具有特殊属性的 object

[英]Create object with special property if it does not exist yet

I have an OxyPlot with an X and a Y axis where I want to change the maximum values several times.我有一个带有 X 轴和 Y 轴的OxyPlot ,我想在其中多次更改最大值。 To change them, I have to create the axes first.要更改它们,我必须先创建轴。
Is there a nicer way to edit for example the X-axis (AxisPosition.Bottom) if it exists and if not to create a new one?是否有更好的方法来编辑例如 X 轴 (AxisPosition.Bottom)(如果存在)以及是否创建新轴?

This is my code right now:这是我现在的代码:

if (opGraph.Axes.Any(s => s.Position == AxisPosition.Bottom))
    OxyPlot.Wpf.Axis xAxis = opGraph.Axes.FirstOrDefault(s => s.Position == AxisPosition.Bottom);
    xAxis.AbsoluteMaximum = absoluteMaximum;
    opGraph.Axes.Add(new OxyPlot.Wpf.LinearAxis
        Position = AxisPosition.Bottom,
        AbsoluteMaximum = absoluteMaximum,

It's not necassary to first call Any and then also FirstOrDefault .不必先调用Any然后再调用FirstOrDefault This results in double iterations.这导致双重迭代。

The latter alone does the job:后者单独完成工作:

OxyPlot.Wpf.Axis xAxis = opGraph.Axes.FirstOrDefault(s => s.Position == AxisPosition.Bottom);
if (xAxis != null)
    xAxis.AbsoluteMaximum = absoluteMaximum;
    opGraph.Axes.Add(new OxyPlot.Wpf.LinearAxis
        Position = AxisPosition.Bottom,
        AbsoluteMaximum = absoluteMaximum,

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