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Flutter - agora - 如何做直播

[英]Flutter - agora - how to make live streaming

I want to make a live streaming call using agora between two apps.我想在两个应用程序之间使用 agora 进行实时流媒体通话。 the first app is for the trainer who can make live streams for viewers who are users from the second app the trainer can see all cameras from his viewers in his session but users see only his camera.第一个应用程序适用于培训师,他可以为来自第二个应用程序的用户的观众制作直播流,培训师可以在他的 session 中看到他的观众的所有相机,但用户只能看到他的相机。 can anyone help me with some docs or articles, Thanks谁能帮我提供一些文档或文章,谢谢

In the Agora Flutter SDK, you will have to set the channel profile to LiveBroadcasting where you can set the user role to either a broadcaster or an audience member.在 Agora Flutter SDK 中,您需要将频道配置设置为LiveBroadcasting ,您可以将用户角色设置为主播或观众。 For your particular use case, the trainer would be the broadcaster and the users would be the audience members.对于您的特定用例,培训师将是广播员,而用户将是观众。 You can follow this blog to know more about Agora Live Video Streaming and how you can add it to your app: https://www.agora.io/en/blog/adding-live-interactive-video-streaming-using-the-agora-flutter-sdk/您可以关注此博客以了解更多关于 Agora 直播视频流以及如何将其添加到您的应用程序: https://www.agora.io/en/blog/adding-live-interactive-video-streaming-using-the -agora-flutter-sdk/

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