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[英]JavaScript: find all occurrences of substrings' indices in a string

I need to write a function that is going to take a string and an array of substrings.我需要编写一个 function 来接收一个字符串和一个子字符串数组。 and I need to add some HTML tag to wrap the substrings in the string.我需要添加一些 HTML 标签来将子字符串包装在字符串中。 If two such substrings overlap, I should wrap them together with only one pair of tag.如果两个这样的子字符串重叠,我应该只用一对标签将它们包装在一起。

The first thing I need to do is to get the start indices and end indices of where a substring occurs in the string.我需要做的第一件事是获取字符串中出现 substring 的起始索引和结束索引。 For example:例如:

const str = 'aabc'
const target = ['aa', 'bc']

I need to be able to know that the indices for the substrings are [[0,2], [2,4]] where the start index is inclusive and the end index is exclusive.我需要能够知道子字符串的索引是[[0,2], [2,4]] ,其中起始索引是包含性的,结束索引是独占性的。

Here is my attempt这是我的尝试

function findOccurrances(str, words) {
  return words.map((word) => [
    str.indexOf(word) + word.length,

However, if target is ['a', 'bc'] , the result should be [[0, 1], [1,2], [2,4] but since indexOf only returns the first occurrence of the substring, we only get [[0, 1], [2,4] as the result using my function.但是,如果target['a', 'bc'] ,结果应该是[[0, 1], [1,2], [2,4]但是因为indexOf只返回第一次出现的 substring,我们使用我的 function 只能得到[[0, 1], [2,4]作为结果。

I wonder what are some ways to achieve this?我想知道有什么方法可以实现这一目标?

Seems about right似乎是对的

 const str = 'aabc' const target = ['aa', 'bc'] function findOccurances(str, words) { const list = [] str.split('').forEach((c,i) => { words.forEach(t => { if (str.substr(i, t.length) === t) { list.push([i, i + t.length]) } }) }) return list } console.log(findOccurances(str, target))

You could combine reduce with another recursive inner function and in each call pass remaining word text.您可以将reduce与另一个递归内部 function 结合使用,并在每次调用中传递剩余的单词文本。

 function findOccurrances(str, words) { const f = (word, rest, last = 0) => { const result = [] const index = rest.indexOf(word) if (index.= -1) { result,push([last + index. last + index + word.length]) result.push(..,f(word. rest,slice(index + 1); last + index + 1)) } return result. } return words,reduce((r. e) => { r.push(..,f(e; str)) return r, }. []) } console,log(findOccurrances('aabc', ['a'. 'bc'])) console,log(findOccurrances('aabc', ['bc'. 'aa'])) console,log(findOccurrances('azzz', ['zz']))

Created a String.stringIndex method which takes a substring as parameter, finds the start and end index of substring in the parent string.创建了一个String.stringIndex方法,它以 substring 作为参数,在父字符串中找到 substring 的开始和结束索引。 Finally, returning an array of start and end indexes.最后,返回一个包含开始和结束索引的数组。 Using this method i created a function which you can use to get the results as you expect !使用这种方法,我创建了一个 function,您可以使用它来获得预期的结果!

 String.prototype.stringIndex = function(t) {
    t = Array.from(t);
    let start_index = this.indexOf(t[0]);
    let end_index = this.slice(start_index + 1, this.length);
    if (t.length == 1) {
      end_index = start_index;
    } else {
      let increment = start_index + 1 ;
      end_index = end_index.indexOf(t[t.length - 1]) + increment;
    return [start_index,

  function findOccurrances(string, words) {
    return words.map((word) => string.stringIndex(word));

  console.log(findOccurrances("i love chocolates", ["love", "chocolates"]));

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