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上传开始的 AWS S3 事件通知

[英]AWS S3 Event Notification for upload start

I have tried setting up S3 event notifications via SNS topic & was able to successfully get event notifications when objects are created.我已尝试通过 SNS 主题设置 S3 事件通知,并且能够在创建对象时成功获取事件通知。 However in my use case we have large file uploads from the apps that we don't control.但是,在我的用例中,我们无法控制来自应用程序的大文件上传。 These uploads take time.这些上传需要时间。 We want to get notified when upload starts (in progress) as well.我们也希望在上传开始(进行中)时得到通知。

I was not able to find any event type that corresponds to upload start!我找不到与上传开始对应的任何事件类型! For large files multipart uploads are used so we get "multipart upload complete" event but still we don't have a clue about when the upload started!对于大文件,使用分段上传,所以我们得到“分段上传完成”事件,但我们仍然不知道上传何时开始!

Is there any other way to detect the uploads (start) on AWS S3?还有其他方法可以检测 AWS S3 上的上传(开始)吗?

You can create an Amazon CloudWatch Events rule that triggers on CreateMultiPartUpload and sends a message to an Amazon SNS topic:您可以创建在CreateMultiPartUpload上触发并向 Amazon SNS 主题发送消息的Amazon CloudWatch Events 规则

From CreateMultipartUpload - Amazon Simple Storage Service :来自CreateMultipartUpload - 亚马逊简单存储服务

This action initiates a multipart upload and returns an upload ID.此操作启动分段上传并返回上传 ID。

CloudWatch 事件规则

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