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是否有查询来检索 informatica 中特定映射的所有源表名和目标表名?

[英]Is there a query to retrieve all source table names and target table names of a particular mapping in informatica?

Is there any query that results from source table names and column table names using a mapping or mapping Id in informatica. informatica.xml 中是否存在使用映射或映射 Id 从源表名称和列表名称产生的任何查询。 This has been very hard and challenging这是非常艰难和具有挑战性的

Like when we search up SELECT * FROM opb_mapping WHERE mapping_name LIKE '%CY0..%'就像我们搜索SELECT * FROM opb_mapping WHERE mapping_name LIKE '%CY0..%'

It is resulting in some details but I cannot find source table names and target table names.它导致了一些细节,但我找不到源表名和目标表名。 Help if you can.如果可以,请提供帮助。


You can use below view to get the data.您可以使用下面的视图来获取数据。 (Assuming you have full access to metadata.tables. (假设您拥有对 metadata.tables 的完全访问权限。

select source_name, source_field_name,
target_name, target_column_name,
mapping_name, subject_name folder
where mapping_name like '%xx%';

Only issue i can see is, if you have overwrite sql, then you need to check sql for true source.我能看到的唯一问题是,如果您覆盖了 sql,那么您需要检查 sql 的真实来源。

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