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如何在 office ui 结构中的详细列表行的 onclick 上打开模式?

[英]How to open modal on onclick of Detail List row in office ui fabric?

I have requirement where I want to open modal on clicking a detail list row.我有要求在单击详细列表行时打开模式。 We are using office ui fabric .我们正在使用office ui fabric

This is detail List这是详细列表


add the columns using state and open the dialog onRender使用 state 添加列并打开对话框 onRender

const [column, setColumn] = useState<IColumn[]>([
    { key: 'column1', name: 'Title', fieldName: 'Title', minWidth: 100, maxWidth: 200, isResizable: false },
    { key: 'column2', name: 'Description', fieldName: 'description', minWidth: 100, maxWidth: 200, isResizable: false },
    { key: 'column4', name: 'Edit', fieldName: 'edit', minWidth: 100, maxWidth: 100, isResizable: false,
        onRender: (item) => (
           <Link onClick={() => toggleHideDialog()}>Edit</Link>
    { key: 'column5', name: 'Delete', fieldName: 'delete', minWidth: 100, maxWidth: 100, isResizable: false,
        onRender: (item) => (
           <Link onClick={() => { console.log('clicked', item); }}>Delete</Link>

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