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如何创建 Airtable api 速率限制?

[英]How to increate Airtable api rate limit?

We are using airtable rest APIs to manage our employee's data.我们正在使用 airtable rest API 来管理我们员工的数据。 In the airtable support article, it was written that the airtable API has a rate limit of 5 requests per second per base.在 airtable 支持文章中,写到 airtable API 的速率限制为每秒每个 base 5 个请求。

Here is the article link: https://support.airtable.com/hc/en-us/articles/203313985-Public-REST-API#:~:text=Yes%2C%20the%20public%20API%20has,section%20of%20the%20API%20documentation .这是文章链接: https : //support.airtable.com/hc/en-us/articles/203313985-Public-REST-API# :~: text=Yes%2C%20the%20public%20API%20has,section %20of%20the%20API%20 文档

So if we upgrade to a pro or enterprise plan then can we get a more request limit on api?因此,如果我们升级到专业版或企业版计划,那么我们可以获得更多的 api 请求限制吗? Or is there any other way to increase airtable API request limit?或者有没有其他方法可以增加airtable API请求限制?


I came across your post when I was doing my own research.我在做自己的研究时看到了你的帖子。 Unfortunately, airtable has a fixed 5 requests per second limit for all pricing levels.不幸的是,airtable 对于所有定价级别都有每秒 5 个固定的请求限制。 There's no way to increase this limit.没有办法增加这个限制。 However, to bypass this, I've implemented a simple node/express server that acts as a middleman to cache the airtables data and serve it to the client.然而,为了绕过这个,我实现了一个简单的节点/快递服务器,它充当中间人来缓存 airtables 数据并将其提供给客户端。 I used this article as a guideline : https://itnext.io/how-we-serve-millions-of-pageviews-using-a-nodejs-airtable-proxy-fdb4ec693720我用这篇文章作为指导: https : //itnext.io/how-we-serve-millions-of-pageviews-using-a-nodejs-airtable-proxy-fdb4ec693720

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