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Main.js 文件太大 angular 12

[英]Main.js file too large in angular 12

While making build i am getting too large main js file.在进行构建时,我的主 js 文件太大了。 i am using lazy loading in all component but still my main js file to large我在所有组件中使用延迟加载,但我的主要 js 文件仍然很大

i am providing config details below.我在下面提供配置详细信息。 Please let me know any solution for this i am attaching build size image too.请让我知道任何解决方案,我也附上了构建尺寸图像。 please find below如下请见

While making build i am getting too large main js file.在进行构建时,我的主 js 文件太大了。 i am using lazy loading in all component but still my main js file to large我在所有组件中使用延迟加载,但我的主要 js 文件仍然很大

i am providing config details below.我在下面提供配置详细信息。 Please let me know any solution for this i am attaching build size image too.请让我知道任何解决方案,我也附上了构建尺寸图像。 please find below如下请见

enter image description here在此处输入图像描述

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You can gzip your static assets by using "Compression"您可以使用“压缩”压缩您的 static 资产

const compression = require('compression')
const express = require('express')
const app = express()

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