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Netbeans 12.4 - 创建主/明细示例表单的选项在哪里?

[英]Netbeans 12.4 - Where is the option to create a Master/Detail Sample Form?

过去版本的 Netbeans 可以选择创建主/详细示例表单,但在 Netbeans 12.4 中找不到:

I can't find it either.我也找不到There is an old NetBeans Bug Report NETBEANS-582 Missing menuitem "Swing GUI Forms > Master/Detailed Sample Form" which raised this issue for NetBeans 9, and it remains unresolved.有一个旧的 NetBeans 错误报告NETBEANS-582 缺少菜单项“Swing GUI Forms > Master/Detailed Sample Form” ,它为 NetBeans 9 提出了这个问题,它仍然没有解决。

A comment for that bug suggested " The fact that that specific sample is missing is somehow connected to the fact that it is the only sample found in the forms.j2ee module ", so I tried " Activating Java Web and EE " on NetBeans 12.4 but that didn't help.对该错误的评论建议“缺少特定样本的事实与它是在 forms.j2ee 模块中找到的唯一样本这一事实有某种联系”,因此我在 NetBeans 12.4 上尝试了“激活 Java Web 和 EE ”,但那没有帮助。

Since the wizard for a Master/Detail Sample Form does exist in NetBeans 8.2, I suppose you could generate the form on 8.2, and then copy the generated code over to NetBeans 12.4, but that may not be as simple as it sounds, and even it works it is not a satisfactory approach.由于 NetBeans 8.2 中确实存在主/详细示例表单的向导,我想您可以在 8.2 上生成表单,然后将生成的代码复制到 NetBeans 12.4,但这可能不像听起来那么简单,甚至它有效,这不是一种令人满意的方法。

Beyond that, all you can really do is to post a new comment for the existing bug stating that the issue still exists in NetBeans 12.4, and request a resolution.除此之外,您真正能做的就是针对现有错误发表新评论,指出 NetBeans 12.4 中仍然存在该问题,并请求解决。

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