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将 std::make_unique 与 GetProfileBinary function 调用一起使用

[英]Using std::make_unique with the GetProfileBinary function call

I have seen this answer ( Advantages of using std::make_unique over new operator ) where it states:我已经看到这个答案( Advantages of using std::make_unique over new operator ),它指出:

Don't use make_unique if you need a custom deleter or are adopting a raw pointer from elsewhere .如果您需要自定义删除器或正在采用来自其他地方的原始指针,请不要使用make_unique

This is is my code:这是我的代码:

void CAutomaticBackupSettingsPage::GetLastBackupDate(COleDateTime& rBackupDate)
    DATE* pDatTime = nullptr;
    UINT uSize;

    theApp.GetProfileBinary(_T("Options"), _T("BackupLastBackupDate"), pointer_cast<LPBYTE*>(&pDatTime), &uSize);
    if (uSize == sizeof(DATE))
        rBackupDate = *pDatTime;
        rBackupDate = COleDateTime::GetCurrentTime();

    delete[] pDatTime;
    pDatTime = nullptr;

Code analysis gives me two warnings:代码分析给了我两个警告:




The latter warning suggests I use std::make_unique but since my pointer data is returned from the GetProfileBinary call, and given the statement in the related question, does that mean I should not use std::make_unique ?后一个警告建议我使用std::make_unique但由于我的指针数据是从GetProfileBinary调用返回的,并且给出了相关问题中的语句,这是否意味着我不应该使用std::make_unique I admit it is something I have not done before.我承认这是我以前没有做过的事情。

The useage of GetProfileBinary clearly states: GetProfileBinary的用法明确指出:

GetProfileBinary allocates a buffer and returns its address in *ppData . GetProfileBinary分配一个缓冲区并在*ppData中返回它的地址。 The caller is responsible for freeing the buffer using delete[] .调用者负责使用delete[]释放缓冲区。

pDateTime is supposed to be nullptr , and GetProfileBinary handles the allocation. pDateTime应该是nullptr ,并且GetProfileBinary处理分配。 Code Analysis mistakenly thinks you forgot the allocation.代码分析误以为你忘记了配置。

It does need to check for success before calling delete[] .它确实需要在调用delete[]之前检查是否成功。 We can't use delete[]pDatTime because pDatTime is not an array.我们不能使用delete[]pDatTime因为pDatTime不是数组。 But GetProfileBinary allocates using new BYTE[size] , so we need to cast back to BYTE .但是GetProfileBinary使用new BYTE[size]分配,所以我们需要转换回BYTE

You can also add a NULL check before reading pDatTime , that might make Code Analysis happy.您还可以在阅读pDatTime之前添加一个NULL检查,这可能会让代码分析感到高兴。

if (pDatTime && uSize == sizeof(DATE))
    rBackupDate = *pDatTime;
    rBackupDate = COleDateTime::GetCurrentTime();
if(pDatTime) delete[](BYTE*)pDatTime;

You can use std::unique_ptr<BYTE[]> cleanup((BYTE*)pDatTime) for deletion, but this has to be after GetProfileBinary is called.您可以使用std::unique_ptr<BYTE[]> cleanup((BYTE*)pDatTime)进行删除,但这必须在调用GetProfileBinary之后进行。


DATE* pDatTime = nullptr;
GetProfileBinary(_T("Options"), _T("BackupLastBackupDate"), (LPBYTE*)(&pDatTime), &uSize);
std::unique_ptr<BYTE[]> cleanup((BYTE*)pDatTime); //automatic delete

if (pDatTime && uSize == sizeof(DATE))
    rBackupDate = *pDatTime;
    rBackupDate = COleDateTime::GetCurrentTime();

//pDatTime = NULL; <- Error when used with unique_ptr
//pDatTime is deleted later, when `cleanup` goes out of scope

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