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下载所有历史以太坊 ERC721 传输的最佳方式

[英]Best way to download all historic Ethereum ERC721 transfers

I'd like to download all the transfer events of tokens under a given contract address.我想下载给定合约地址下代币的所有转账事件。

I know etherscan provides an API endpoint for this, however it is limited to the latest 10,000 transfers (even if paginating).我知道 etherscan 为此提供了一个 API 端点,但它仅限于最近的 10,000 次传输(即使分页)。 https://docs.etherscan.io/api-endpoints/accounts#get-a-list-of-erc721-token-transfer-events-by-address https://docs.etherscan.io/api-endpoints/accounts#get-a-list-of-erc721-token-transfer-events-by-address

Is there a third party who can provide this data, or is my only option to get it directly from a node (Infura, Geth, etc.)?是否有第三方可以提供这些数据,或者我唯一的选择是直接从节点(Infura、Geth 等)获取它吗?


Limited to 10k transfers per contract?每份合约限制为 10k 次转账? I know opensea events api can filter by contract address + token id and you can do before and after timestamps.我知道 opensea events api 可以按合约地址 + 令牌 id 进行过滤,你可以在时间戳之前和之后进行过滤。 But I don't know how far back they go.但我不知道他们走了多远。

This should work.这应该工作。 You need to insert your API key (API_KEY) and the wallet address you want to explore in the main function.您需要在主函数中插入您的 API 密钥 (API_KEY) 和您想要探索的钱包地址。 The output will be as CSV file named data.csv输出将作为名为 data.csv 的 CSV 文件

from requests import get
import pandas as pd

pd.options.display.max_columns = 60 ## 0 by default
pd.options.display.width = 10000 ## 80 by default
pd.options.display.max_rows = 3000

API_KEY = ""

BASE_URL = "https://api.etherscan.io/api"
ETH_VALUE = 10 ** 18
def make_api_url(module, action, adress, **kwargs):
    url = f"{BASE_URL}?module={module}&action={action}&address={adress}&apikey={API_KEY}"

    for key, value in kwargs.items():
        url += f"&{key}={value}"

    return url

class Collector:
    def __init__(self, start_block):
        self.start_block = start_block

    def get_erc721_transactions(self, adress):

        get_transaction_url = make_api_url("account",
        response = get(get_transaction_url)
        data = response.json()
        temp_df = pd.json_normalize(data['result'], sep="_")
        temp_df['gasCost'] = temp_df.gasUsed.astype(float) * temp_df.gasPrice.astype(float)
        temp_df['type'] = 'erc721'
        return temp_df

    def aggrigate_data(self, address):
        data = pd.DataFrame()

        self.start_block = 0
        while True:
            df = self.get_erc721_transactions(address)
            if df.shape[0] == 0:
                print('There is no erc721 transactions')
            if self.start_block == df.blockNumber.iloc[-1]:
            data = pd.concat([data, df])
            self.start_block = df.blockNumber.iloc[-1]

if __name__ == '__main__':
    '''Insert the wallet address you want to check'''
    address = "0x4c8CFE078a5B989CeA4B330197246ceD82764c63"

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