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邮政系统 | 如何从包含多个 JSON 对象的 JSON 数组中提取值

[英]Postgres | How to extract a value from JSON array that contains multiple JSON objects

I have a table that holds a column called additional_info .我有一个表,其中包含一个名为additional_info的列。 this column contains a JSON object that looks like that:此列包含 JSON object,如下所示:

        "dbSources": [{
            "destIp": "",
            "serviceType": "PostgreSql",
            "srcIp": "",
            "database": "xe",
            "clusterMember": "",
            "dbId": "PostgreSql_10.10.10.29",
            "clusterName": "",
            "host": "",
            "dbUser": "system",
            "osUser": "",
            "userType": "Unknown",
            "srcApp": ""
            "destIp": "",
            "serviceType": "PostgreSql",
            "srcIp": "",
            "database": "xe1",
            "clusterMember": "",
            "dbId": "PostgreSql_10.10.10.29",
            "clusterName": "",
            "host": "",
            "dbUser": "system",
            "osUser": "",
            "userType": "Unknown",
            "srcApp": ""

I want to extract (to select) the value of "database" where srcIp equals .我想提取(选择)“数据库”的值,其中srcIp等于10.10.10.68 meaning I want to extract the value "xe" from the first JSON object under the JSON array called dbSources .这意味着我想从名为dbSources的 JSON 数组下的第一个 JSON object 中提取值“xe”。

The only thing that I could do is我唯一能做的就是

    select additional_info::json ->'dbSources' as db from table

but how can I continue from there?但我怎样才能从那里继续呢?

You can do something like that:你可以这样做:

with query as (
select j->>'database' as db,j->>'srcIp' as src_ip from json_array_elements('{
        "dbSources": [{
            "destIp": "",
            "serviceType": "PostgreSql",
            "srcIp": "",
            "database": "xe",
            "clusterMember": "",
            "dbId": "PostgreSql_10.10.10.29",
            "clusterName": "",
            "host": "",
            "dbUser": "system",
            "osUser": "",
            "userType": "Unknown",
            "srcApp": ""
            "destIp": "",
            "serviceType": "PostgreSql",
            "srcIp": "",
            "database": "xe1",
            "clusterMember": "",
            "dbId": "PostgreSql_10.10.10.29",
            "clusterName": "",
            "host": "",
            "dbUser": "system",
            "osUser": "",
            "userType": "Unknown",
            "srcApp": ""
    }'::json->'dbSources') as j)
select db from query where src_ip = '' 

You can use a JSON path query:您可以使用 JSON 路径查询:

select jsonb_path_query_first(additional_info, '$.dbSources[*] ? (@.srcIp == "").database')
from the_table    

This assumes the column is of type jsonb (which it should be).这假定该列的类型为jsonb (它应该是)。 If it's not, you need to cast it: additional_info::jsonb如果不是,则需要转换它: additional_info::jsonb

For a table with name table_name, this query will extract the value of database whose srcIp is ''对于名为 table_name 的表,此查询将提取 srcIp 为 '' 的数据库的值

SELECT obj::json#>'{database}' as db_name FROM   edisondb.demo r, json_array_elements(r.some_text::json#>'{dbSources}') obj WHERE  obj->>'srcIp' = '';

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